Is my goat really sick or just indigestion?

Filed under: Goats |

goat farming
Image by JustinDustin

Question by Cattle Girl 411: Is my goat really sick or just indigestion?
We have six goats on our farm for showing and the other day one was bloated and wouldn’t eat except grass but the next day she was fine. Now we have had two more have been bloated and had the runs (sorry for the information) but it’s been gone the next day. They don’t act sick just uncomfortable.
Thanks for that but I’m a vegetarian : )

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3 Responses to Is my goat really sick or just indigestion?

  1. well, look on the bright culinary side! if he dies, you can donate him to an indian restaurant and they’ll make some delicious goat curry for all to enjoy. htat way, ur goat didnt live in vain. 🙂

    All Knowing
    November 7, 2012 at 4:42 pm

  2. bloat can kill a goat. you need to contact you vet and find out whats causing it. also “the runs” can cause dehydration, which can also kill a goat.

    if it is becoming a common problem you need to re examine what your feeding them and what they are eating.

    if it lasts longer then a day, take their temperature, if its normal, then call the vet for an appointment, otherwise, you can just call for advice on what needs to change in their diet

    November 7, 2012 at 5:08 pm

  3. when they bloat you should not let them eat grass.. it can agitate it. I keep baking soda in a bowl in front of them all the time, and it helps to keep the rumen balanced.

    what are you feeding? they could be getting into something.. or just eating too much green grass…

    November 7, 2012 at 5:52 pm

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