THE BEST BANANA BREAD EVER! Start your mornings off on a positive note with this chocolate banana bread full of bits and pieces of chocolate chunks for break…
Continue reading …1.8 megawatt. A torony magassága 80 méter. A lapátok által rajzolt kör átmérője 90 méter.
Continue reading …A thought-provoking video, courtesy of AscensionMinds.Com — thank you for sharing this with all of us, it is very interesting! I created this video with the…
Continue reading …Great video for those who enjoyed backyard & organic gardening. This video shows how our backyard garden evolved over the years, and how my dad transformed it.
Continue reading …This is a love story about bees and flowers; about a beekeeper and a gardener; about all of us, and the natural world we love. LETTERS TO A BEEKEEPER follows…
Continue reading …A living piece of history – Midget White turkeys, shown here at about 7 weeks old. We will have breeders and custom raised heritage Thanksgiving turkeys for …
Continue reading …If you ever thought it would be hard or too much work to milk a goat…check out how easy it is for Henry (age 5) and Addie (age 4).
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