Small plots can work where large gardens are not practical. Here is how to create a raised bed garden.
Continue reading …Rooster Jim and The Chickster (aka, Jim & Martha Schwartz) have been raising chickens for decades. Their kids raised them. Their grandkids raise them. And while familiarity may breed contempt among humans, raising thousands of chickens has not diminshed Rooster & The Chickster’s affection for their feathered friends. At the Boise Fall Home Show, which […]
Continue reading …How-To Build your Own Hydroponic System for Beginners. I tried to make this system as cheap as I could and as simple as possible. It was a learning project. I could have used other tools but used only the ones I had on hand.
Continue reading …On a “lunatic” tour of Polyface Farms, June 18, 2010, Joel Salatin, owner, discusses the process and benefits of raising cattle on grass. For the past 50 years, raising beef in the United States has generally been about growing beef bigger, faster, and cheaper on as little land as possible. Contrary to the pastoral image […]
Continue reading …All about a honeybee hive, by the teen volunteers who tend to it. What could be more environmentally friendly than that?
Continue reading …Wiggly worm teaches the wonders of compost along with his friends Mista Millapede and Sista Sow bug. Accompanied by an original rap song these puppets sing with some 3D animated flowers.
Continue reading …Watch a naturalist from the Massachusetts Audubon Society’s Drumlin Farm explain common pig raising problems in this free online video. Expert: Tia Pinney Bio: Tia Pinney is a Teacher Naturalist and Adult Program Coordinator at Mass Audubons Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary in Lincoln, Massachusetts. Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso
Continue reading …An introduction to permaculture design principles featuring a stunning, abundant food forest designed by Erik Ohlsen of Permaculture Artisans Erik teaches with Earth Activist Training Video by Starhawk
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