video filmed at HerbFest, the longest running herb plant sale and herb festival in the US, showing the No till gardening method using organic materials by Dr. Milton Ganyard, professor at North Carolina State University. Proceeds from the HerbFest benefit The Graham Johnson Cultural Arts Endowment,, a children charitable foundation promotonig the development of […]
Continue reading … – How to raise pigs through Profitable Indigenous Growing System (PIGS) – The innovative solutions from FeedPro. Episode 1 Why Profitable Indigenous Growing system.
Continue reading …Jim Andrew is a renowned farming leader in Iowa. He has practiced 100% No Till farming for the past 19 years and believes it is a viable practice to address water quality problems in the country.
Continue reading …Thought it was time to introduce you to my worm bin. Very easy method of using a worm bin. Happy worms.
Continue reading …Mother Nature is an amazing thing. But even something so resilient and productive can sometimes use a helping hand….Particularly with our Northern weather. Crops grow faster and stronger when sheltered from winds, warmed by the sun and protected from frosts. If you would like to receive a free brochure and DVD or just discover more […]
Continue reading …Watch a naturalist from the Massachusetts Audubon Society’s Drumlin Farm explain the difference between types of pig in this free online video. Expert: Tia Pinney Bio: Tia Pinney is a Teacher Naturalist and Adult Program Coordinator at Mass Audubons Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary in Lincoln, Massachusetts. Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso
Continue reading …Visit my blog at for more great tips on cooking and crafts! Basic White Bread 1/2 cup milk 3 Tbsp sugar 2 tsp salt 3 Tbsp butter 4 1/2 tsp active dry yeast 1 1/2 cups warm water 5-6 cups all purpose flour 400 degrees Farenheit for 30 minutes. Yield: 2 loaves
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