♥ SUBSCRIBE FOR 3 NEW VIDEOS A WEEK : bit.ly ♥ MY #1 WORKOUT TIMER & FIT KIT: bexlife.com ✔ EXPLORE: bexlife.com ✔ FOLLOW twitter.com ✔ LIKE: facebook.com ✔ SUBSCRIBE: www.youtube.com Camilla the Hen has been constantly picking on Georgia the Hen every time they’re in the coop. They’re fine all day, and then it’s […]
Continue reading …After discovering our family compost bin was in a dangerously anaerobic state I decided a worm farm would be a much more suitable and productive way to deal with organic waste from the kitchen. Dont get me wrong, when done right compost is the best option out there but I cant see my family producing […]
Continue reading …Facebook: on.fb.me Web: bit.ly The Urban Farming Guys are putting aquaponic technology into your hands. The freshest vegetables and fish to your plate on the planet. About us bit.ly Find out why aquaponics is so great. Cone Calculator: bit.ly
Continue reading …Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms and I have conversation about his contract with Chipotle, so that other farmers can learn from his experience.
Continue reading …one take. brooklyn. november 2010 directed by Shervin www.LadyLambTheBeekeeper.com
Continue reading …“Survival Doc” demonstrates a “Ro Ho,” a vintage gardening tool which he purchased from an estate sale and restored. Vintage gardening and farming equipment which require no gas to operate will come in handy during a survival or disaster situation when there is no available gasoline or a gasoline shortage.
Continue reading …If your plants need some serious care, learn how to add fertilizer to leaves. Get tips for foliar feeding in this free gardening video about how to use organic fertilizers on plants. Expert: Michael Clark Contact: www.tropicofcapricornsantafe.com Bio: Michael Clark is a trained horticulturist with a BS in agriculture and a strong sense of responsibility […]
Continue reading …Fertilizer is a necessity for plants to grow faster and bigger as it directly provide nutrients and added food to the plants. Farm and care for plants correctly and safely with tips from an experienced farmer in this free video. Expert: Danny Botkin Bio: Danny Botkin “operates” an innovative, diversified homestead and organic micro-farm in […]
Continue reading …How I keep my chickens My backyard coop and run setup. I now have 15 chickens and 2 roosters, see the video response to see an updated video of this coop. The one from redneckresponder
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