www.solarenergyformyhome.com In this video we demonstrate three different types of home made electricity wind generators. If you are looking for information about wind generators and wing energy, then I highly recommend you to check out that website. There you can find articles, step-by-step guides, pictures and schematics that will show you how everything is done. […]
Continue reading …Wanna see something gross? How about some fat, juicy, wiggly wax moth larvae crawling around on your expensive bee frames. That is what I found when I opened a box that I had tightly sealed inside a large garbage bag with Moth crystals inside. The problem, I think, is I didn’t freeze the frame before […]
Continue reading …In this video I run you through a step by step proccess of how to clone any plant from a cutting. Plant propagation is very simple and can save you a lot of money in the long run. Correction on Video – do NOT put freshly cloned plants in ‘Direct’ sunlight while in a hot […]
Continue reading …Chicken enjoy the cool breeze prior to a spring rain on recently grazed cattle pastures. Beech Meadow Farms provides a fresh “floor” of pasture to their chickens at least once a day to ensure a steady supply of green material and insects for the diet and clean areas for exercise and lounging.
Continue reading …Microfinance is an effective tool that can help reduce poverty and spread economic opportunity by giving poor people access to needed fund to start a new business. FONNJ in cooperation with the Rotary International, distributes small loans that begin at Rs. 10000 to Rs. 15000 to poor women so they can start and expand simple […]
Continue reading …Watch a naturalist from the Massachusetts Audubon Society’s Drumlin Farm explain pig digestion in this free online video. Expert: Tia Pinney Bio: Tia Pinney is a Teacher Naturalist and Adult Program Coordinator at Mass Audubons Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary in Lincoln, Massachusetts. Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso
Continue reading …Here’s a brief overview on how we built our cold frame to help extend our growing season. Typically ND growing season is end of May to beginning of September. We’re hoping the cold frame will extend our season by another 2 months. A cold frame can be built out of salvaged windows with very minimal […]
Continue reading …John from www.growingyourgreens.com visits with his friends who he helped build a raised bed in their back yard to grow their food one year ago. There were 7 episodes that show the process of buying, building, planting and irrigating the new raised beds. In this episode, learn how their garden has been growing and learn […]
Continue reading …The Vegetable Gardener’s Bible: amzn.to Square Foot Gardening: amzn.to In this video I show how to build a raised bed garden. Very little space is needed, easy to maintain, and the materials are inexpensive.
Continue reading …Patti Moreno, the Garden Girl and Mel Bartholomew answer your frequently asked Square Foot Gardening Questions. Check out www.squarefootgardening.com and www.urbansustainableliving.com Distributed by Tubemogul.
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