This is an update video about my aquaponic based system using a Harbor Freight 10×12 greenhouse. I am still amazed how well most of the plants will grow in it. For more info, please visit: http
Continue reading …VISIT Beekeeping, Foulbrood,American or European Terramycin powdered sugar mixing,beehive application.Beekeepers sugar water syrup bottle top feeding ideas. Small hive beetle trap bee hive placement options.Beetles bait tube trap filling locations,beehives bottom board options. Beekeeper John Pluta,Milledgeville Georgia Honey bee hives
Continue reading …Have you ever seen a tomato plant 9 feet across? Take a look at the results of the various experiments and tips I’ve been giving you all season. What do you think? Did I do ok?
Continue reading …In this video I do a review of Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew. This book is great for beginners or experienced gardeners. It helps you to make good use of your garden space and get as much bang for your buck as possible.
Continue reading …SNAKES 1, Georgia Beekeepers Beehive Snake video, Beekeeping Honeybee Hive Varmints,John Pluta Bee Hives. Pictures at Beekeeper finds snakes in Honey Bee Hives while working on them in South GA. Tupelo swamps
Continue reading …Contact Details: Tel # +63 32 231 36 74 Fax # +63 32 231 73 59 Cel # +63917 528 0777 Email J777 FOF (foliar organic fertilizer) is formulated and manufactured by JOHN 777 INC . No other products comes close to the effects produced by J777 FOF. What is unique about J777 […]
Continue reading …Insightful Nana shows you how to grow tomatoes in a container. You will learn how deep to plant them as well as pruning and staking directions. Join Insightful Nana at for more gardening and household tips.
Continue reading …There are many different ways to cook fry bread. This is how my mom Kathryn makes it.
Continue reading …Saint Benedict’s Monastery has a long history of raising turkeys, with as many as 4000 at one time. In this video, Sister Moira Wild tells that story. The video is part of a tour of the exhibit “By the Work of Our Hands” at the Haehn Museum at Art and Heritage Place, Saint Benedict’s Monastery, […]
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