Hear how commercial and organic fertilizers work when used in soil; take care of your garden or lawn with the gardening tips on soil composition in these free videos. Expert: Travis Steglich Bio: Travis Steglich is the owner and operator of the Steglich Feed and Farm Supply Store. Filmmaker: MAKE | MEDIA
Continue reading …Watch a naturalist from the Massachusetts Audubon Society’s Drumlin Farm explain the difference between sheep and goats in this free online video. Expert: Tia Pinney Bio: Tia Pinney is a Teacher Naturalist and Adult Program Coordinator at Mass Audubons Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary in Lincoln, Massachusetts. Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso
Continue reading …This is a fantastic clip from the king of transvestite comedy himself, Mr Eddie Izzard Taken From His DVD ‘Glorious’
Continue reading …Cows belong in fields. We have known it for a long time. And the cows agree! In March 2012, we visited a farm in the UK to film dairy cows being released from their indoor winter housing to their fresh pasture for spring and summer grazing. As you will see from the video, they could […]
Continue reading …This is the third monthly update on my hoop house in Mendocino, California, where cool, foggy summers make it impossible to grow hot weather vegetables outside. The hoop house continues to defeat all attempts of fog, coolness, and overcast days. All vegetables are thriving. Cucumbers aplenty, tomatoes and peppers ripening. Melons and eggplants on their […]
Continue reading …If you’re scared of canning, this is the perfect way to ease into it. Freezer jam is so delicious and so easy and a great way to make some of your own food storage! For more tips and tricks for using food storage every day, visit www.everydayfoodstorage.net
Continue reading …Watch a newly retired Cape Cod couple build a raised bed garden for their new home.
Continue reading …This is a video response to Katzcradul’s video entitled The Art of Home Canning. Home canned goods are so pretty!
Continue reading …Joel Salatin, owner of Polyface Farm gives our class a tour of the farm, explaining his methodology and reasoning along the way. He also explains why the methods used on his farm are more sustainable, safe and productive than methods used by modern agribusiness in today’s food production. Polyface Farm’s Website: www.polyfacefarms.com
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