When thinking of topics to cover next, I realized that I hadn’t done anything on grass-fed beef. This method of rearing animals is one of the cornerstones of the sustainable food movement . It’s also one of the most highly contentious issues. I myself am constantly in debate about whether meat should play a part […]
Continue reading …♥ SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW VIDEOS EVERY WEEK: bit.ly ♥ FOR MORE INFO: BexLife.com ♥ MY DIET PLAN & GEAR bexlife.com ♥ VICTORIA KEEN YOGA GEAR: v-keen.com 15% COUPON CODE “BEX15” ✔ EXPLORE: bexlife.com ✔ FOLLOW twitter.com ✔ LIKE: facebook.com ✔ SUBSCRIBE: bit.ly We are in the middle of a record-setting heat wave in New Jersey […]
Continue reading …This video shows how to construct raised garden beds using various materials and especially for people with limited mobility plus points on plants to grow and compost.
Continue reading …I know that most people probably don’t care much but this is my baby (I put a LOT of work into it & am proud of how it’s coming along). What isn’t shown in this video is the row of spinach & the row of mustard greens that I’ve already cropped (& 1 green bell […]
Continue reading …Follow up on HR875 and S425. Thanks to Amy31415 and Vortexvibration – passed on info that the sponsor of the bill is Rosa Delauro who is married to Stan Greenburg a political strategist who works for Monsanto. Please see links to vids on Monsanto for more in depth info please see From StarrJaded www.youtube.com Jdouglasfisher […]
Continue reading …We started with day old birds, made to grow big quick! They grew big, but we offered them no medication, or artificial crutch. The lived in sunshine rain, and grass. They ate bugs, worms, corn, soybeans, and oats. We had a day of harvest and this is chapter 2!!!! Two full grown chickens, lively energetic, […]
Continue reading …georgiabees.blogspot.com Beekeepers Beekeeping honey store,safely let customers or hobbyists view your beehives, Honeybees, queen, drones, honey comb frames, even small hive beetle problems. Georgia beekeeper John Pluta has 2 of these set up to help boost honey,bee pollen,and bees wax sales. In spring helpful in seeing how much Bee pollen, nectar and propolis coming into […]
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