woodgears.ca How to make gears, such as the ones I used for my screw advance box joint jig or my wooden router lift.
Continue reading …The little guys totaly cover my sand bed. I do not know what they are. I do know that each cluster of spaghetti like arms come from one main body. The only life in this tank came in on the live rock. The tank is about 4 years old and only the SG and temp […]
Continue reading …Building a home for chickens wasn’t their first project when Molly O’Halloran and David Brearley renovated their 1915 house and garden on Austin’s east side. Now, they serve up fresh eggs with their organic vegetables. Plus, their vegetables thrive with compost enriched by chicken poop and the chickens’ help in turning it. Music by Gurf […]
Continue reading …On a Goat dairy farm in Australia, saying helo to the does. Quality Goats for sale
Continue reading …22 Likes? Today we learn how hard it is in the new forestry update to do bee keeping. I also have the return of the modded lets play! Please leave a comment letting me know what mods I should add to the game. Thanks! – JKapGaming Mods: pastebin.com Music: Approaching Nirvana – The Way Home: […]
Continue reading …xxsurl.com Easy Guide To Raising Goats & Caring For Goats – Plr The Secrets to Raising & Caring for Goats the Easy Way! In this report, here’s just a few things you will discover: * Why you cannot have just one goat on your property * Where goats need to live in order to thrive […]
Continue reading …Here is a typical morning for our pastured chickens. They soak in the sunshine, forage for bugs and plants and just enjoy life. They live twice as long as their confinement cousins who are crammed together in smelly barns. Even the so called ‘free range’ factory farmed chickens probably never set foot outside due to […]
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