www.learningbeekeeping.com Frank and I head off to check on the hives. We find lots and lots of things to fix and harvested some honey. Damn good honey at that.
Continue reading …A great way to save money by canning and making your own strawberry jam. This is a delicious Jam that your whole family will love! Nothing like home made 🙂 Its not that hard to do.
Continue reading …Note: At 4:27 use short roofing nails instead of finish nails. You might have to support the inside of the barrel when you nail, especially on a used barrel. The nail should be touching the metal band when you drive it in. Half of the roofing nail head should cover the metal band. With the […]
Continue reading …Welcome everyone to the hoop house project. This is a introduction to the hoop house project and what to expect from the hoop house project playlist as far as my plan for uploading videos and how stuff is presented.
Continue reading …CLF teamed up with the Video and Film Arts Department at the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) to produce Out to Pasture: The Future of Farming? films in 2010, which explore important issues in our food system. CLF and MICA also collaborated to produce a film about sustainable food animal production entitled Out to […]
Continue reading …www.howtowormfarming.com Worm Farming Discovering the Best Organic Fertilizer in Organic Farming. Take a look at the site to see how an eco-friendly solution can become the ideal solution in cultivating healthy fruits and vegetables.
Continue reading …Garden looking good. watermelons growing fast and bigger. Cantaloupe growing too. I’ve been picking some squash and frying it. Eating tomatoes.
Continue reading …How to make compost Garden Organic’s Video Guide Part 2 includes: – When is the compost ready – Using your compost
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