Our summer heat has arrived. A look around at some of the crops in the hoop house peanuts, artichoke, peppers, tomatoes, ground cherry and corn. Out in the garden a look aa few of the square foot garden beds and my newly installed Mason Bee House.
Continue reading …therawfoodmuscle.com Here is a great way to grow your own organic tomatoes if you don’t have land. I hope you enjoy and thank you for watching. Have an awesome week 🙂 therawfoodmuscle.com
Continue reading …Here’s more video of the broilers doing their thing. This is a group of all cockerels from a hatchery in PA that we were trying for the first time this year. These are still Cornish-cross hybrids, but they mature about a week slower (later generation cross) and are alleged to have less health problems than […]
Continue reading …working on the cold frame.and my garlic is poking out of the soil.
Continue reading …If I could only have one Power Tool it would be a Skill Mag77 worm drive skill saw. This saw is one of the must usefull and versitile tools you can own. With this saw alone you can build a house or shed.
Continue reading …John from www.growingyourgreens.com goes on a field trip to Rick and Karin’s place to share with you the No-Build Square Foot Raised Bed Garden. In this episode, you will learn how Rick and Karin have progressively expanded their garden by building out a new raised bed each year for the first and second year. For […]
Continue reading …www.FrankGiglio.com http My colleague and neighbor Daniel Vitalis and I show you how and why to use all the parts of a pastured chicken.
Continue reading …Raising your own is a challenge or it was for me. We bartered one for the other and the other showed up like this a couple of days ago. More to come on cost and agravation!
Continue reading …Patti Moreno the Garden Girl shows you how her Hydroponic Seed Starter works. This system produces 700 seedlings every three weeks with little to no maintenance. Check out www.gardengirltv.com and http Distributed by Tubemogul.
Continue reading …Patti Moreno, the Garden Girl, installs a pond inside a raised bed in her garden. For more info: www.gardengirltv.com or www.urbansustainableliving.com Distributed by Tubemogul.
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