Just a quick video showing how easy it is to make your own Nitrogen and Trace Element Rich Natural Organic plant and vegetable feed for the garden from Nettles. Simply pick a bucket full of nettles,new growth is best but older plants will do,then chop this up a little in the bucket and simply leave […]
Continue reading …Music video by UB40 performing Red Red Wine (2002 Digital Remaster).
Continue reading …Today I’m Making & Installing a worm tower. To use a worm tower, all you do is drop food scraps in the tower and the worms come in and eat and when they leave they will leave behind their castings in your vegetable beds. Fertilizing without any effort.
Continue reading …www.aquaponics.com Nelson and Pade, Inc.’s Clear Flow Aquaponic Systems® produce higher quality fish and vegetables with increased production over other systems. Unlike other aquaponic system designs, the water flowing through the system is nutrient-rich, but clear, providing bio-security and food safety. The plant roots are bright white and clean and the fish are raised in […]
Continue reading …www.freecompostingworms.com Survival tips for Hot Summer Worm Composting Some of the worm’s best composting is done in the summer when they are the most active. However, as temperatures become hotter, worms have a harder time staying active and cool. When the summer gets too hot, worms can potentially die off or the inactivity in your […]
Continue reading …Setting the foundation tubes correctly is the most important part of the construction. This handy cam video shows how foundation tubes are positioned. If you would like to discover more about Polytunnels then why not contact us at www.FirstTunnels.co.uk or join our Facebook group at www.facebook.com/
Continue reading …The hoop house gets its name from its shape, which causes water and snow to be shed from its exterior while permitting sunrays to provide heat. Costing around per square foot, with low maintenance once constructed, hoop houses are easy to build and adapt to small land units to meet the needs of gardeners and […]
Continue reading …Hi! This is Going Organic. You can find our website at “www.goingorganic.weebly.com”! Today I am going to talk to you about composting with a worm bin. Worms can be a great way to compost your food scraps and cut down on the garbage that you take to the curb. Also you will be making some […]
Continue reading …www.ecofilms.com.au Intensive aquaculture fish farming with a hydroponics component at Green Sky Growers in Florida. Here tilapia are grown using high protein fish food and liquid oxygen to grow 1 lb of fish per 1 gallon of water. Please don’t try this at home as one small failure will destroy your entire output of fish. […]
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