Growing onions takes very little effort and has large payoffs. See how we take care of them in our garden and how to help yours.
Continue reading …Adding nutrients to damaged land can help to loosen up the soil and make it more fertile when it is time to plant. Farm and care for plants correctly and safely with tips from an experienced farmer in this free video. Expert: Danny Botkin Bio: Danny Botkin “operates” an innovative, diversified homestead and organic micro-farm […]
Continue reading …EPISODE SYNOPSIS: The Wine Down is devilishly excited to host novel and screenplay author, Rex Pickett. Rex, having almost single-handedly jump-started the Santa Ynez wine valley with his sensation “Sideways,” was not shy about shedding light on the making of the movie and how it feels to have cut the legs out from the Merlot […]
Continue reading …Vegetable Garden Canning greens with a weighted-gauge pressure canner. Visit The Bayou Gardener in Avoyelles Parish Louisiana – Cajun Country at
Continue reading …This is a summary slideshow showing the various stages of building my raised bed garden out of cedar fence posts and 2×4’s screwed together to form a 4×4 used as support posts. I’m pleased with the overall result however i forgot to take drainage into account. If i had to do this again i would […]
Continue reading …John from goes on a field trip to a friends house to share his ideas about how to start growing food in her backyard. In this video, John will speak with Mary who desires to grow food in her backyard. John will share his ideas and leave Mary with a plan so that she […]
Continue reading …This is a very simple way to raise your own queen honey bees. Some people have trouble seeing the eggs to do grafting this is an alternative.
Continue reading …START HERE: Zombie Snails ScienceCast: Zombie Ants Bed Bugs Deadly Bowel Worms Horsehair Worms NOVA scienceNOW | Kingdom of the Leeches | PBS Horror Story: Candiru: The Toothpick Fish – Weird Nature – BBC Animals
Continue reading … Learn how to make this simple DIY gardening idea that is easy to build, cheap to buy and accessible to the public. Tune in to catch the steps with Janez
Continue reading …EPISODE SYNOPSIS: Sonja and Brandon are only too happy to act as guinea pigs for a crash-course in pairing wines and liquors with chocolates. Local fine-chocolate maven, Amanda Ormerod, opens our eyes to some of the finer points of making confections and how she ‘bootlegged’ her family recipes to bring outrageous flavor to the west […]
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