I loved how good the bread I made from my home ground wheat was. I’m excited to try baking more things using it. I had to make some more bread today and thought I’d make some cinnamon rolls. YUMMMM! They sure turned out good. I hope you give this a try and let me know […]
Continue reading …Captured live at the 2012 Organic Seed Growers Conference, John Navazio, Organic Seed Alliance and Washington State University, discusses the basics of on-farm plant breeding and presents two case studies. Topics covered include variety adaption, trialing, Mass selection, progeny selection, and more.
Continue reading …Falster Farm raised meat chickens on sunshine clover for a taste that is outstanding.
Continue reading …It’s been almost a year since I installed this Solar Hot Water Heater to generate hot water for my summer shower. This video is an update covering how the unit is performing and holding-up. I also discuss some of the science behind how the unit actually works. A few months ago, we had a (weak) […]
Continue reading …4500 Litre fishtank installed, dual sumps, lower height for easy planting.
Continue reading …Like me on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com Subscribe and follow my adventures! www.youtube.com We like to take dance breaks while gardening! It helps our plants grow, because they can feel the love 😉 If you would like to pick up gardening tips, and learn more about growing your own food, Like my […]
Continue reading …Val and her Val-unteers create a permaculture garden and explain their techniques and philosophies.
Continue reading …An accidental experiment in growing rock melon and potatoes in a pot. If you interested in organic gardening and growing your own produce check out this great book & video set! : 1a46a6x94z2uel6j7ipd0pdyfg.hop.clickbank.net
Continue reading …John explains how sprinkler timer and sprinkler valves are installed and how they can be used to work with a drip irrigation system..
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