We put a man on the moon, but can’t promise power and water to our farmers. It’s ridiculously tough as a farmer in India, says entrepreneur and organic farmer Ramkumar from Our Native Village. He choose to invest in sustainable methods to ensure his long term farming interests were protected.
Continue reading …Karachi Electric Supply Company, as part of its fuel diversification, green electricity generation and sustainable development vision, is planning the development of one of the world’s largest Bio Waste to Energy Project of its kind near the Landhi cattle colony situated in Karachi. This plant is likely to have the potential of generating up to […]
Continue reading …John from answers your gardening questions including: Do Chilean Guava Berries require Acidic Soil? Why Don’t You Grow Potatoes in Your Garden? Can I grow a Vegetable Garden in Tucson Arizona? Is there too much Sun? Will Diatomaceous Earth hurt the earthworms and soil microorganisms? How can I keep cats out of my garden […]
Continue reading …This video is part of Kitchen Gardeners International’s “Eat the View” campaign to convert part of the White House lawn into an edible landscape. It features KGI founder, Roger Doiron, digging a new garden on his “white house” lawn.
Continue reading …SoilBio1 – Best fertilizer for Black Pepper: Increase Yield, Reduce Disease & Insect, Improve pepper quality. Try it, You will want to use it. Enrich your soil with SoilBio1, and it will: – Increase Soil fertility. – Improve soil water infiltration & Retention. – Increase black pepper…
Continue reading …On scene at Mountain Run Farm in Sedalia, Virginia (near Lynchburg). Another snapshot in the life of a small-scale sustainable Virginia farmer. Support your local grass-fed beef farmers!
Continue reading …Supporting the local, sustainable community. Produced by: Tara Firma Farms. Four reasons to eat naturally raised, grass-fed food. To provide clean healthy food; to heal the land; to grow young farmers; and to have a lot of fun. We raise pastured beef, pork, chicken and eggs in a way that restores the native landscape […]
Continue reading … This weeks video update I show you the swirl filter I made for my aquaponics system. The idea behind the swirl filter is to catch all the big solids- like fish poop. I also show you a problem I encountered and how I fixed it. Toward the end of the video, I show you […]
Continue reading …John from helps his friends to build their raised bed garden. This is Part 5. Putting on the sides of the beds, laying down hardware cloth to prevent gophers and other critters, sheet mulching with cardboard and filling with compost and rock dust..
Continue reading …After a couple hours in the pen, they finally start pecking at grass/insects. The next morning, when the pen is moved to fresh “pasture” (it’s our lawn, heh) they immediately start hunting.
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