(Tradução em baixo) This is a video that goes along with my post about my DIY thermosyphon solar hot water heater. On s…
Continue reading …Welcome to the Eco Backyard Farm! We are a PURE Ecological Farm operating independently as a family. If you are interested in seminars on aquaponics and aqua…
Continue reading …Fiber called coconut coir. Mixed with compost and red wigglars for bedding media. Wikipedia Article: Available from ht…
Continue reading …Check out the friendly, yet forbidden world of Guerilla Gardening. A community of folks planting public gardens under cover of the night. For more info about…
Continue reading …Nuetech solar, Bangalore based company in india. one of leading and reputed manufacturer ,since from 1992 for more information visit
Continue reading …When people ask me what pants are best for survival gardening, I always tell them to grow perennials along with your regular summer annuals. One of my favori…
Continue reading … Please be a Facebook fan of Clean Republic! A wind turbine (electrical generator) made…
Continue reading … HomeFixated interviews Sarah Jenan from Windtronics about their new 6 foot diamter small wind turbine for elec…
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