Pekin meat ducks and white turkeys make good housemates.
Continue reading …طريقة عمل خبز النان المقادير العجينه ( ٤ كوب دقيق المخبوزات ٥٠٠ جرام، ملعقه صغيره ملح ٥ جرام، ١/٣ كوب زبادي ٨٣ جرام، ٢ ملعقه صغيره سكر ١٢ جرام، ٢ ملعقه كبيره…
Continue reading …When planting bell peppers in your vegetable garden, surround them with companion plants such as lettuce, cucumbers and beets that will provide shade for the…
Continue reading …Pastured pigs on McDonald Farm in 2013. Went for a walk in the pasture this past June and found a few mother pigs and their babies. Amazing what pigs can do …
Continue reading …just made a small video of my three goats , two dairy and one Bore X goat eating apples they make such wonderful pets.
Continue reading …Phalaenopsis orchids must be re-potted very carefully to ensure the overall integrity of the flower. Learn how to re-pot phalaenopsis orchids with help from …
Continue reading …Learn how to make mulled wine with Kim! Mulled wine is great drink idea for the holidays, and is easy to make with Kim’s special recipe and list of ingredien…
Continue reading …Mead is a wine made from primarily honey. Adding fruit to the mead can add great flavours, rendering it what is called, “Melomel”. This is my first attempt a…
Continue reading …Hobbygärtner breiten ihre Flächen in den Städten immer weiter aus. Aber ist die Ernte auch gesund? Wissenschaftler der TU Berlin sind der Frage nachgegangen….
Continue reading … Follow the link to get your bedding for your worm composter bins. You will find we have the coir bricks you …
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