Remember the old adage: The young bull runs to the field and breeds one cow and the old bull walks to the field and breeds them all. so true so true! This bu…
Continue reading …this is a NFT hydroponic system for sale in Clifton Park NY, 6 4×4″ grow chambers powered by two 550 gph pumps with in line filters and a 1/10 hp aquarium ch…
Continue reading …Lunch at the folks place, where I grew up. The kids wanted to go feed the chickens. The rooster made sure he was heard.
Continue reading …This is an example of self sufficient living in a small property. Raising Baby Goats.
Continue reading …Help us caption and translate this video on Note: I don’t own this video and don’t have any copyright on it, have …
Continue reading …An aquaponic cannabis grow journal in flash format- including information about aquaponics and documentation of research.
Continue reading …Question by Welcome to Amerika Mr. 0rwell !!: Is the goal of the US Congress to do as little productive activity as possible for as long as possible? Democrats in the Senate didn’t feel a need to pass a budget for 4 years (cuz then somebody might add an amendment that politically vulnerable members would […]
Continue reading …Image by Imaginary Museum Projects: News Tableaus There are many associations with the financial crisis of Cyprus and the role of Russian money deposits and alleged whitewashing: the biggest Russian enterprise Gazprom. This brings of course also the role of President Putin as someone for a long time directly related to Gazprom into view. The […]
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