Question by nojoconnections: How can I purchsae and raise goats? I want to purchase and raise a goat to clean the yard with the high glass (this is predominately associated with residing in a rural communty. The goat will not necessarily be pet, but keep weeds and glass out of the yard. Here’ irony here: […]
Continue reading …Image by nerdabout Hydroponics at Boswyck Farms Question by : How long does it take plants to grow in hydroponics? I am starting from seeds, and I want to know how long I have to wait until I can harvest my plants. Give your answer to this question below!
Continue reading …Image by So gesehen. Question by Derek B: Can you crop the square surrounding of a circular picture? I have a circular picture that I need to crop. When I insert the picture into Microsoft publisher, the square shaped white border of the picture cover everything that I also need to show. I need text […]
Continue reading …Image by acroamatic by acroamatic Article by Peter Hansen A lot of people are not really aware of the fact that meat goat farming is considered as one of the most popular and profitable ventures in the market today. Most people are only aware of the fact that the only products that can be gained […]
Continue reading …Watch a naturalist from the Massachusetts Audubon Society’s Drumlin Farm explain the facts of pig pregnancy in this free online video. Expert: Tia Pinney Bio: Tia Pinney is a Teacher Naturalist and Adult Program Coordinator at Mass Audubons Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary in Lincoln, Massachusetts. Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso
Continue reading …This is one of our refrigerated walk-in cooler which holds mature Canadian nightcrawlers, live bait, fishing worms ready to be sold and packaged. For more information visit
Continue reading … If the US has a Grand Master of family farming and farm market strategy, it’s likely Joel Salatin, here laying out a banquet of food for thought to a packed house in Santa Barbara and providing an inspired wrap up for the inaugural series of the Carbon Economy Courses.
Continue reading …Image by Mike_fj40 Enough juice for servers, power tools, vehicles, and accessories… Question by edidyson: steps on how to build a simple wind mill generator to light a led/bulb? i want step by step procedures on how to build a simple windmill generator and light a bulb or led. Feel free to answer in the […]
Continue reading …Image by CharlesFred Question by Layla: Turkey raising? Does anyone know of any websites that give good information about raising turkeys? I’m thinking about raising two of them for a school project, and would like to know what it would cost, what space they would need, ect. Give your answer to this question below!
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