working on my out doors plants just cant do it with out the lights and the warm heating pad
Continue reading …Question by Melly: What is the best dairy goat to get? I know breeds such as Alpine, Oberhasli, Saaen, and Toggenburg are good but which is the best?? I will be showing this goat as well. I was also wondering if a Nigerian Dwarf was a good choice. Can you help? Leave your own answer […]
Continue reading …Image by Nemo’s great uncle The catfish, with lemon and herb sauce, was delicious. The potatoes too. The chicken was fast food, freezer broiler quality. Question by k_erdahl: will a slow-growing broiler chicken have less fat on it than a fast-growing broiler chicken? we had large amounts of fat on our fast growing broiler pullets […]
Continue reading …If you’re scared of canning, this is the perfect way to ease into it. Freezer jam is so delicious and so easy and a great way to make some of your own food storage! For more tips and tricks for using food storage every day, visit
Continue reading …Joel Salatin, owner of Polyface Farm gives our class a tour of the farm, explaining his methodology and reasoning along the way. He also explains why the methods used on his farm are more sustainable, safe and productive than methods used by modern agribusiness in today’s food production. Polyface Farm’s Website:
Continue reading …Question by : How can you raise ducks for both eggs and meat? How do you keep your drake from fertilizing all of your eggs? How do you know which eggs are fertile and which aren’t? Also, they are pasture-raised. The drake has not been added yet. Feel free to answer in the comment section […]
Continue reading …Question by ajar: how goat farming business will show loss? What do you think? Answer below!
Continue reading …Question by : How large was the largest beehive ever found? And could you give me some information and pictures about it? Can you help? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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