Survive And Thrive TV -Organic Gardening & Guerrilla Gardening Show coming soon to Survive and Thrive TV Living a organic lifestyle is possible anywhere. Org…
Continue reading …Image by nicolas.boullosa Question by Danii: Why don’t humans drink bottled human milk instead of cow milk? Just a weird thought, logically wouldn’t one think that human milk would be more appropriate for humans to bottle and drink than cow or goat milk? I saw a carton of cat milk in the pet store and […]
Continue reading …Hydroponics growing system: How to build a DIY Aeroponics growing system for indoor growing. There are many forms of hydroponics growing systems out there. T…
Continue reading …Opening the cocoon release box in the middle of the emergence phase on a hot spring day offers an insight into the interaction between male and emerging fema…
Continue reading …Image by frank2037 Question by wscagamergal: Suggestions For A First Time Goat Owner? I am soon to be getting a few week old goat. I don’t know too much about goat care, training, and showing, but the old owners are helping me but i would like to have more opinions and suggestions. I’m planning on […]
Continue reading …Thought you’d enjoying seeing how our new raised bed garden areas are doing along with our raspberry transplants, new grape vine arbor, and even the milkweed…
Continue reading …W & J Dairy, Oakdale, California, USA Willie Bylsma 3200 dairy cows. Crossbreeding since 1999. ProCROSS cows last two lactations longer than Holsteins. They …
Continue reading …Question by For: How can my 11 year old sister raise money by the end of the year for her camp? The most helpful answer wins.? My 11 year old sister is planning on going to camp Fire bird (awesome camp), and wants to raise the money herself. It’s about 3,000 $ for 3 weeks. […]
Continue reading …Image by jazzijava Adapted from Fresh and Healthy DASH Diet Cooking: 101 Delicious Recipes for Lowering Blood Pressure, Losing Weight and Feeling Great by Andrea Lynn. These creamy, cheesy shells are cloaked in Cheddar, mozzarella and low-sodium tomato sauce. I used goat dairy (easier to digest) and changed proportions of the basic elements to use […]
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