Question by defheart: What is the average income of a goat farm with 50 to 100 goats? Selling goat milk to 2nd party for pasturization and sale. Also using goat milk to creat soaps and lotions for sale in tourist areas. Feel free to answer in the comment section below
Continue reading …by ratterrell Article by Ted Allen Goat For Sale – 3 Tips On How To Market If You Are Raising Goats For Profit – Family – Pets Search by Author, Title or Content Article ContentAuthor NameArticle Title Home Submit Articles Author Guidelines Publisher Guidelines Content Feeds RSS Feeds FAQ Contact Us You have got your […]
Continue reading …An overview of the layout of utility-class wind turbine generators – where are the major components, what do they do, and what differences can be found between models and size ranges.
Continue reading …Joel Salatin live at the Medford Armory, March 16th. This entertaining talk is wide ranging and covers such issues as food sovereignty, community development, disintegration of american culture, slow food movement, concentration of political power, etc.
Continue reading …Question by : What are some concerns for a home user’s point of view and a business’s point of view for wireless access? Wireless internet access points can broadcast singals with a range up to 120 feet (whoopp i learnt something) that means that suers in the neigbours, apartment buildings, comercial pprks and other areas […]
Continue reading …Mayor Emanuel during the OECD tri-state territorial review release press conference talking about job creation, innovation, and 312 Aquaponics. ( (
Continue reading …What’s falling from the trees this fall should turn up in your garden next year… as nutrient rich soil. Allen Smith reminds us that fall leaves are as good as gold.
Continue reading …Joel Salatin, owner of Polyface Farm gives our class a tour of the farm, explaining his methodology and reasoning along the way. He also explains why the methods used on his farm are more sustainable, safe and productive than methods used by modern agribusiness in today’s food production. Polyface Farm’s Website:
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