Question by JayLo: What online website, or catalog, can i buy fertalized mallard or pekin duck eggs? I want to raise them….. but i cant find a website…… i only want 3. usually they are only offering 9 eggs and up…….. please post the website you found in your answer OH! i just found a […]
Continue reading …Image by xcode A boring and lazy afternoon. With no iPhone or computer with her, Mrs Goat just lazes around, drinking water, waiting for her next milking session tomorrow. Question by Bats: How much does it cost to own a dairy cow? Assuming I’d already have the proper place to shelter it, how much would […]
Continue reading …Sorry I missed the first ~3 Seconds, it starts “You build a nest of yellow yarn,”
Continue reading …Image by Sterling College Sterling College Farm – Students with calf. Question by Charles: How can American farmers increase levels of production while remaining good stewards of the environment? Can you help? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Continue reading …Question by a person: Would my skin lightening routine work? For half a month, I have been mixing rice flour and goat milk and then putting it on my face as a mask. After it dries up (which takes about half an hour) I wash it all off. I do this every 2 or 3 […]
Continue reading …Image by kiyomi3631 National Mall College students are competing for the best solar powered home! Question by Shawn P: How long before all homes in America have solar panels enabling us to sell power back to the providers? It would be great to have an electric meter that ran both ways. Thereby only allowing the […]
Continue reading …Question by jaydeee: how to get rid of this scar from mole removal? i removed a mole a while ago, and it made a scar, i used a cream by the way and now i have like this bump thing no better than the mole and its a little bit raised and its skin colored […]
Continue reading …Image by cuatrok77 The Lady Amherst’s Pheasant, Chrysolophus amherstiae, is family Phasianidae. These are native to south western China and Myanmar The adult male is 100-120 cm in length, its tail accounting for 80 cm of the total length. It is unmistakable with its black and silver head, long grey tail and rump, and red, […]
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