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Entries posted by Mike Curtis
Home Canning: All about Pectins for making Jams

Jana with the Utah State Extension Office shares more information about which pectin is right for your jam! For more information about cooking with food storage, visit everydayfoodstorage.net and http

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Do you like my poem? What do you think it means?

Image by J.G. in S.F. Best viewed @ large size Asteraceae – Western Cape Province, South Africa Gorteria Shown: Detail of flowers and foliage; raised, dark swellings at the base of one or more ray florets are characteristic of the the species; these swellings are believed to have evolved in mimicry of the appearance of […]

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Troy sets up a bathtub aquaponics system for Luke & Karlie… Music by: www.youtube.com

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Question by : Multiple questions for how to compost with chicken manure? My language arts class is studying composting. Our class now has to do a report on composting. I picked Composting with Chickens. I need to know things like, How do the chickens help the compost, where can you buy coops or how can […]

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Image by acroamatic Question by mraatif: LIVE GOAT MEAT FARMS IN NEW JERSEY for EID? I am looking for goat farm house in New jersey where i can go & pick the live stock. If anybody know anything please inform thank you Feel free to answer in the comment section below

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One thing about gardening or anything you have a passion for, there is always something new to learn, and it’s always a fun experience! And omg, I’m touching worms!!! Hahahaa! 🙂 The start-up worms I’ve gathered from my old raised-beds. They just came up from the ground and made a home. I decided to “farm” […]

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This years seed starting and transplanting. Germinating tomatoes from seed Planting tomato seeds Growing and starting pepper plants square foot raised bed garden. collard greens super sugar snap snow peas grow light indoors under lights Version 2.0 – This is a follow-up video to one I made last year. I felt like showing a few […]

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Question by Invisible_Flags: why does cow milk trigger my allergies and goat milk does not? I have never thought much about this, but it seems that cow milk makes me feel sickly, while goat milk (cheeses) actually seems to energize me. Any ideas? Thanks so much… actually I suppose that it is not an actual […]

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How will Charlie Weiss prepare for Purdue? Will he Broiler up some Purdue chicken?

Image by jimmywayne In front of the Ocean View, DE Town Hall. Question by kimmyisahotbabe: How will Charlie Weiss prepare for Purdue? Will he Broiler up some Purdue chicken? Purdue better watch out, they could get surprised! Add your own answer in the comments!

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Tell me about your backyard chickens!?

Image by chrisdat Processing 280 Chickens – Cornish Cross & Red Bros at Pete and Jen Backyard Bird’s Mobile Poultry Processing Unit Question by 521_1n5: Tell me about your backyard chickens!? I’ve been doing research on egg/dual purpose chicken breeds good for the backyard farmer, and one of the main things that I’m trying to […]

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