Question by jorge a: Mexican Urban legend? has anyone ever head of the story of a girl who went to a girl in juarez. she was dancing with a manthen she looked at his feet and found that he had chicken and goat feet(the devil) and then the club started stinking of sulfur. if you […]
Continue reading …The ingredients you need are: 450g (1lb) spelt flour 7.5ml (1 1/2 tsp) salt 7g sachet (1 1/2 tsp) fast action dried yeast 30ml (2 tbsp) sunflower oil 5ml (1 tsp) clear honey 400ml (14 floz) lukewarm water Even my children eat this bread – despite it not being white!
Continue reading …Documentary on Growing Tomatoes in Australia and sustainable growth in time of Global warming Produce by David Westbrook Westymedia Rock Video Media Productions
Continue reading …Image by CGIAR Climate These photos were taken during the plenary session on "Green Growth and Climate-Smart Agriculture" during the World Bank’s 2012 Sustainable Development Forum on "Green Growth for All" held in Washington, D.C. Photo: World Bank Group. Please credit appropriately. In the picture (from left to right) : Juergen Voegele, Sector Director, ARD, […]
Continue reading …Part 10 of our ongoing series on beekeeping. This part shows and discusses a few of the potential diseases and pests of the honey bee. honeybee, bees, beekeeping, homesteading, survival, self-sufficiency, self-reliance, peak oil preparedness, food shortage, food storage, apiary, beehive, Nosema, CCD, wax moths, anything else that might catch.. LOL
Continue reading …Growing plants in a hoop house is space saving since there are several vertical levels of plants as well as ground rows. Farm and care for plants correctly and safely with tips from an experienced farmer in this free video. Expert: Danny Botkin Bio: Danny Botkin “operates” an innovative, diversified homestead and organic micro-farm in […]
Continue reading …Question by Komaku: Goat Milk Safe To Drink Straight From The Source? We recently got fresh goat milk from free range goats for our puppies but we were wondering if it was safe for us to drink.. I want cereal. And someone drank the rest of the regular gallon cow milk…so yeah btw: I didn’t […]
Continue reading …Image by robot_zombie_monkey A bunch of us went out to St. Johns to visit Eric’s (and Ben’s) chicks. This was their second time outside and they were having a grand old time. Question by Lucky S: Have you ever tested one of those urban legends…? …where you’re supposed to stand in front of a mirror […]
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