Question by LIKEAPRAYER: do mormons believe maya and aztecas are descedants of israelites? why is that? is the book of mormon a book that was written in America before the spanish conquests arrived to Mexico? Can you help? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Continue reading …Image by JunCTionS A Mamma duck making sure all her ducklings make it out of the pond. This was a great day… I couldn’t resist grabbing one of them… the poor mother couldn’t do much to me but quack while keeping herself between me and the other ducklings… so I let it go before snapping […]
Continue reading …Who knew, raising goats on a mountain in the Swiss Alps, and making sure they all have bells on them so you know where they stray off to…
Continue reading …Tomato cages built out of 4×7′ sheets of concrete reinforcing mesh. I’ve tried several variations of a better tomato cage, without breaking down and buying t…
Continue reading …I tested a solar water heater with a bucket of water to create a thermosiphon. The water is heated by the sun and this heating creates a convection current. …
Continue reading …Question by NHL13: What are your thoughts on the punishment the NFL gave the saints for their bounty system? Can you help? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Continue reading …In an area defined by tourism and the military, agriculture has a low-key presence. And when people think of farming, they don’t think of goats – especially …
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