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Entries posted by Mike Curtis

Question by LIKEAPRAYER: do mormons believe maya and aztecas are descedants of israelites? why is that? is the book of mormon a book that was written in America before the spanish conquests arrived to Mexico? Can you help? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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How do i care for ducklings if they are already hatched?

Image by JunCTionS A Mamma duck making sure all her ducklings make it out of the pond. This was a great day… I couldn’t resist grabbing one of them… the poor mother couldn’t do much to me but quack while keeping herself between me and the other ducklings… so I let it go before snapping […]

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Goats on a Mountain, with bells…

Who knew, raising goats on a mountain in the Swiss Alps, and making sure they all have bells on them so you know where they stray off to…

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GDW8 Home Depot Gardening

GDW8 Home Depot Gardening.

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Organic Garden 024 – Tomato Cages

Tomato cages built out of 4×7′ sheets of concrete reinforcing mesh. I’ve tried several variations of a better tomato cage, without breaking down and buying t…

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Solar Water Heater Experiment

I tested a solar water heater with a bucket of water to create a thermosiphon. The water is heated by the sun and this heating creates a convection current. …

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Organic Farming

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Organic Farming

A farmer in Vidarbha sharing his experience with Organic Farming.

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Question by NHL13: What are your thoughts on the punishment the NFL gave the saints for their bounty system? Can you help? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Aquaponic System and Raised Bed Garden

Recirculating Three Barrel Aquaponic System and our Raised Bed Garden.

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Goat dairy farms

Goat dairy farms

In an area defined by tourism and the military, agriculture has a low-key presence. And when people think of farming, they don’t think of goats – especially …

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