Question by Julia: Potentially dumb question about intensive chicken farming? I’m reading a book called ‘The end of food’ by Paul Roberts. At one point, when discussing mass chicken production in the USA he states that the broilers are very top heavy (bred for extra breast meat) and are killed at around 5 weeks old, […]
Continue reading …I built this wind generator mostly out of scraps. I spent around 60.00 on it. It will generate around 8 amps (12 Volt) @ 40 MPH. Will use it to charge batter…
Continue reading …Image by travfotos Question by Tayet Silverspoon: Do you have goats? Just wondering.? I don’t know that many people who have goats. This is weird because goats are awesome, wonderful animals. Just tell me the goats names and how many you have, please. I have 8 goats. Their names are Lily, Gold, Silver, Wendy, Uhura, […]
Continue reading …Question by Angelas daughter: cooking chicken? im making chicken drumsticks for dinner, in the oven. what is the best way to cook them and how long do i have to leave them in for? Give your answer to this question below!
Continue reading …I ordered seeds from two different sources including 3 separate “vaults” or cans from Mypatriotsupply as well as Survival Seeds Sowers. I open the can up and…
Continue reading …This video shows you how to layer peat, manure, and lime for your worm bin. This type if bin is best if your goal is to breed worms in large numbers.
Continue reading …Question by ♥: Sisters and Brothers: Are there any inspiring reminders/verses you can share from something you have read? Assalaam Alaikum Warahamutullah Wabarakatahu I hope you are all well Insha’Allah. Can you share any? These are from the book I am current reading. * Be like the bee, which lands on the fragrant flowers and […]
Continue reading …How to build a simple raised garden bed using landscape timbers. Cost about to build and about to fill with garden soil. I bought the landscape timbe…
Continue reading …Mankind benefiting from Propolis made by the honeybees. Collecting honeybee propolis. Traps & method. Propolis made today like it was 2000 years ago.
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