www.blogtalkradio.com Dr. Afrika is a world renown nutritional consultant; massage therapist, historian, certified addictionologist, acupuncturist, writer and Doctor of Naturopathy. He’s conducted over twenty years of exhaustive research on proper nutrition and good health. He’s authored several exceptional works including: Nutricide: The nutritional destruction of the Black race, Melanin What Makes Black People Black!, & […]
Continue reading …A Biospharm is a sustainable agriculture mini farm capable of sustaining a family through solar power, rain water cisterns, complimentary animal ecosystems, small herds, fruit trees, and vegetable gardening. The name is a combination of biosphere and farm. The “ph” was kept, because this is not the kind of large scale farming that most people […]
Continue reading …Image by Hryck. Sandwich board from the Beehive Coffee Shop Question by lalala: Where can I get a beehive wig in Toronto, ON? I want to dress up as Amy Winehouse for Halloween, but I don’t know how to do the hair. I’ve tried doing the hair a few times but it doesn’t work! Where […]
Continue reading …Image by BryanAlexander The first squirts from the new goat. Ceredwyn carefully filtered it in this container. Question by : Is powdered goat milk (from Wegman’s) good for pregnant women? My mom is pregnant and has asthma, gas apparrently, and has a hard time eating. She wants to know if, since she is carrying a […]
Continue reading …A Farm Sanctuary investigation into the inner workings of a typical turkey artificial insemination facility.
Continue reading …This is the fourth installment of my re-queening series. The sad news is we saw no queen or evidence of a honeybee queen in hive #1. The queen in hive #2 is going gang busters laying eggs throughout the brood box and up into the honey super. Should I steal the queen from hive #2 […]
Continue reading …Using electric fence to fence in a creek or you could use it for any problem area that regular fencing would not work.
Continue reading …Image by Mann Library Poster for Local Food and Fiber Fair, November 18th, 2010, Albert R. Mann Library, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences & College of Human Ecology, Cornell University Designer: David Zielnicki ’10 Question by Tess.j: What are some examples of sustainable agriculture? thanks Give your answer to this question below!
Continue reading …Image by mlhradio Berclair School, Bee County, Texas. In an open field in front of the Berclair Mansion sits an abandoned schoolhouse, filled with faded and broken memories of decades past. If there is one thing I have learned about Texas, it’s that Texas is filled with abandoned schoolhouses. I’ve run across all sorts of […]
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