I finished staking and weaving the tomatoes.
Ivan shows you the results of his clearing of a densely-overgrown border (apologies for the poor sound quality in some parts of this video!).
Continue reading …After mixing up the peat moss & leaves, I added some water, then placed the bedding in the worm bin. Next I added in the worms. Some people like to put food in the bin and wait a couple weeks…
Continue reading …http://www.oursacredseeds.com Building a successful worm composting bin is easy. Ray will show you why vermiculture is truly incredible! Worms consume their weight everyday, making compost…
Continue reading …Come watch The Dumb Blonde as she goes on her funny adventures! Today she is with Lou the Backyard Beekeeper watch and learn as she learns about Beekeeping! Please subscribe to my channel …
Continue reading …Joel Salatin talks about the lack of transparency in the modern food system and how far removed we have become from the practice of raising and harvesting animals. More videos, podcasts…
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