So on a balmy Indian summer October day I checked the condition of my bee hive and the occupants. Its my first and only hive which I took ownership and respo…
Continue reading …DIY Potato planting using organic grocery store potatoes as cheep seed…Pretty simple stuff. 🙂 Voted one of the top 25 Green bloggers for 2012 Pinterest: h…
Continue reading …A closer look at the current Barbican Art Gallery exhibition ‘Radical Nature, Art and Architecture for a Changing Planet 1969-2009’ (open until 18th October …
Continue reading …I built some nuc boxes, similar to what Michael Palmer uses. They are 8 1/8″ wide, so 2 of them fit side by side on a 10 frame box. I can’t wait to try them.
Continue reading … Learn the secrets of food canning and preserving, ways to can your food and more.
Continue reading …Voici une autre prĂ©sentation en Slide VidĂ©o , GĂ©nĂ©rateur de courant DiscoĂŻde PMG pour Éolienne. Fil ÉmaillĂ© de 1mm – 9 Bobines , 2 fois 12 Aimants en Étoile …
Continue reading …How to make Kiddush Wine/Juice (non-Mevushal) with Rabbi Asher Meza of Note: Mevushal wine/Grape Juice is not permitted for making Kiddush..
Continue reading …Prepper Preparedness Homesteading Show #3 Talk about dehydrating fruits……. Box of olives (raw green) Pioneer Living received from Chaffin Family Orchards…
Continue reading …Watch as HGTV’s Chris and Peyton Lambton show a series of backyard projects focused on maximizing small spaces. These project ideas seek to inspire other gar…
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