During my visit to the Skagit River Ranch — located near Burlington, Washington — I recorded video of the organic chicken production. Enjoy! After the tour, they generously cooked delicious free range beef for my entire class. Since there was plenty to go around, and since free range beef is amazing in every way, I […]
Continue reading …Question by xx.ingnorance.is.bliss.xx: I raise goats for FFA. Does anyone know of a good goat breeder in texas? perferably boer goat, or precentage. wethers. Im looking for one born around jan. to early march. help? Can you help? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Continue reading …Image by Emily Barney Question by chibiutena86: Why are there worms on my bed? I woke up this morning and found a tiny black worm like thing slowly inching away. I don’t have any pets and live on a 2nd floor. I also just washed my sheets. What is it and how do I make […]
Continue reading …This book is for anyone that lives off-grid or would like to live an off-grid homesteader lifestyle. It is 355 pages and includes detailed step-by-step plans, full color pictures, and material list for building an off-grid cabin and over 30 useful homestead projects. Also included are directions for installing a small solar and wind power […]
Continue reading …Image by terriem Part Nubian, part Saanen. Question by wildflower: Do you know about dairy goats? She has calcium stones in her teats. When you try to milk her they clog the hole. Does anyone know the cause and cure of this problem? Add your own answer in the comments!
Continue reading …Image by kafka4prez Question by Ace: What worm (or other animal) is brown and has a fan-shaped head? We were hiking twin falls in Maui in Hawaii and on a wet rock in a river bed we found this worm-looking animal slithering along at a very slow pace. It was pretty small. Probably just a […]
Continue reading …How to make wine. Easy steps to making wine at home that tastes as good as any store bought wine. Part of my Easy Home Brewing series. Purchase home brew supplies here: www.highgravitybrew.com
Continue reading …Hiving my first package of honey bees. This is quite the experience the first time you do it!
Continue reading …by acroamatic Article by Peter Hansen Many people today are starting to raise farm goats and are continuously reading manuals and guides on how to start goat farming. If you intend to raise them for their meat or milk, then it is important that you start with some of the basics. The next step is […]
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