Question by Huh?: How to raise a goat at home as a pet…? me and my friends are planning to buy a goat and im wondering if somebody can send me some links or any information about raising goats. i need to know feeding information, what it drinks, housing, ect. basically EVERYTHING that is baby […]
Continue reading … Toby Hemenway shares his perspective on native plants. He is a powerful advocate of native plants. And, at the same time, is concerned that the passions of some other native plant advocates might lead down a path that is not as good for native plants. Specifically, the planting of exclusively native plants vs. planting […]
Continue reading …Image by mrmole Question by gobananas732: How much compost do I need to cover a 175 square foot garden 4 inches deep? I’m beginning a garden, but I’m inexperienced. I’ve got some help, but I need this amount today. Give your answer to this question below!
Continue reading …Watch a naturalist from the Massachusetts Audubon Society’s Drumlin Farm explain the basics of raising pigs in this free online video. Expert: Tia Pinney Bio: Tia Pinney is a Teacher Naturalist and Adult Program Coordinator at Mass Audubons Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary in Lincoln, Massachusetts. Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso
Continue reading …Image by Mosman Council Food scraps and organic waste generated at the Fair Day was deposited in this mobile worm farm. This ensured the valuable nutrients in the organic sraps were retained (for better soil) and it avoided the greenhouse gases associated with the storage of waste in landfill. Question by Amrud: can you write […]
Continue reading …Image by mrmole Question by anonymous: square foot garden and tomatoes? I have 3 drawers with drilled holes in bottom made of wood. 20 inches by 30 inches. two of them are 10 inches deep the other one is 18 inches deep. Im planning on using mel’s mix…can i put 2 tomato plants per drawer? […]
Continue reading …Image by OrganicNation Question by Goldfinger001: Bugs in Aquaponics system? I have an aquaponic system at my home. (Aquaponics and hydroponics are not the same thing, but very similar. Basically in aquaponics you are adding fish in the picture, the fish poop fertilizes the plants, and the plants clean the water for the fish.) Anyways, […]
Continue reading …Leong performs a parody of Taio Cruz’s Dynamite on Mr Young’s show, The Night’s Still Young, on 987FM Facebook page: Mp3: Lyrics: Never stu-dy dy dy dy Would rather be watching the Glee Glee Glee Glee So boring lah this stupid Lit Lit Lit Lit Hit the books at the last minute nit […]
Continue reading …Image by Allan Henderson Question by Tockers57: Where can I get a worm farm? It seems to be all the rage right now…… Add your own answer in the comments!
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