1.8 megawatt. A torony magassága 80 méter. A lapátok által rajzolt kör átmérője 90 méter.
Continue reading …We take a look at one of AT&T’s COWs (Cell On Wheels) mobile cell tower at SXSW 2011. The COW in this video is part of AT&T’s strategy to boost network perfo…
Continue reading …يشرح طريقة الدخول لصفحة الزراعة المائية وهو الدليل والمرشد العالمي للزراعة المائية http://www.facebook.com/hydroponics2.
Continue reading …Had great weather the past couple weeks. Light rain every 3 or 4 days and temps in the 70s-80s. MUCH better than last year! Last year we didnt get rain for o…
Continue reading …To learn more about the health benefits of food, visit: http://www.benefitsoffood.blogspot.com Here is some information about the vitamin C properties of can…
Continue reading …We are always looking for ways to save a little money – pretty much like all homesteaders. 🙂
Continue reading …make,drink,enjoy Trace, Jo and who ever else are interested in this fantastic idea. Don’t drink and drive and stay alive.
Continue reading …11-week old beagle puppy Josie absolutely loves cantaloupe. Here, she won’t let the other beagles eat any. She is so smart that she turns it upside down whil…
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