Is there a danger for pregnant woman to eat soft cheese beyond Listeria?

Filed under: Goats |

goat milk
Image by terriem
Jan walks the goats daily. They drink from the pond but don’t like to go into the water.

During breakfast on Sunday, Jan was walking by the tables trying to carry a bucket of goat milk and a small boy. She called out for help and by chance I was the closest, so I grabbed the bucket and helped her carry it to the shop next to the kitchen. I asked her if I could taste a bit of the milk; I’ve never tasted goat milk. We had a great discussion about being close to food production and the spiritual nature of eating. And, I got to taste fresh goat milk. It was really good; I expected it to be very distinct from cow milk, but it was very similar. It had a really nice taste; Jan noted that she thought it was sweet today and attributed it to what the goats have been eating (she’s trying to sort out the very subtle differences in taste).

I had the same feeling from it that I had the first time I had sushi…that I’d eaten something that was really really good for me.

Question by Prometheus, l Ain’t; Possum, l ls: Is there a danger for pregnant woman to eat soft cheese beyond Listeria?
A pregnant woman ate Feta, not sure if it was from pasteurized goat milk or not. The question is, if she does not get sick?

What I’m asking is, is it a good idea to avoid feta if your pregnant so you don’t get sick? So like no harm no foul. If you don’t get sick, you’re fine?

What do you think? Answer below!

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2 Responses to Is there a danger for pregnant woman to eat soft cheese beyond Listeria?

  1. That’s how most women see it while they are pregnant,and for the most part,I can agree with them. Other than on the listeria thing. The soft cheese might be more of a risk,I’m not sure as I don’t usually eat soft cheese,but yes,while pregnant,i did eat some feta with no problems at all,not sure if it was pasteurized. I was one of the pregnant women who took the “I’m pregnant not dead” approach at things,and I have two healthy children. I did have the occasional glass of wine,I did eat the occasional soft cheese,and I devoured lunch meat with both children,b/c at one point I craved it! I did eat my meat cooked at medium. My babies were both 100% healthy. The risks of listeria are so small they’re barely there anyways. At least in lunch meat and eating your meat cooked at medium. (I checked with my dr)

    October 30, 2013 at 4:50 pm

  2. If she doesn’t get sick from it, there’s nothing more to worry about and she shouldn’t beat herself up over it. She took the risk (whether known or not at the time) and came out fine, so it’s a non-issue.

    A lot of the recommendations do say to avoid soft cheese. The chance of getting listeria is really small, HOWEVER it’s one of those things like, in the small chance that it did happen, it’s an illness that can cross the placenta and sicken the baby, and then how horrible would you feel? It’s more a case of being safe rather than sorry. Feta will still be there when she’s not pregnant, and now that she knows, better to avoid it. 🙂

    October 30, 2013 at 5:26 pm

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