Question by master chief: in virtual villagers 3 wat r da food sources other than the bee hive and the tree. my villagers r starving?
i am at the initial stage and i dont have enough tech points. my villagers are dying as the food has finished and by the time the fruits come up they are sure to die. this happens each time. please tell me about the other food sources so i can work on it.
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I know you said you are low on tech points, but do you have level one leadership? If so, you can drop your chief onto the food bin once every 24 hours and he will create some magic food. If you are really desperate, drop him on the bin, pause the game for 24 hr. and repeat until you have enough food to sustain the villagers long enough to earn more tech points. If you don’t have enough tech points to buy level one leadership, yet, the only thing you can do is drop your kids on mushrooms when they appear. Red mushrooms are worth more than brown ones. I notice that they appeared more often for me when I was low on food. More advanced food options below:
With level 2 Restoration, you can use three adept builders to fix the lift in the dirt area. Then, when it rains, drop a villager onto the lift and the water will fill the bucket and raise the villager up to knock down a seed. Then, drop a villager on the seed to plant it. You can have three trees max.
The final food source is fishing. You have to make a potion to get rid of the sharks to do this.
1) Have your villagers restore the alchemy lab by having an adept scientist collect the four bowls/pots around the island and the spear tip.
2) Choose either the nature faction or the magic faction. You need level two to get a special herb to make the potion. If you choose Magic, a berry plant will appear. If you choose Nature, a pitcher plant will appear.
3) Potions require three ingredients. Drop a villager on each plant you need for the potion and he will bring them to the alchemy table. Then, drop a villager onto the table when all three herbs are there and he ill make the potion. The shark potions are:
Magic=1 Berry and 2 Rose
Nature=1 Pitcher and 2 Black Orchids
If the potion blows up, just make it again.
4) Once the potion is made, drop a villager on the pot and a pot will appear in his hands and he will take it to the ocean. It may take more than one trip, so just drop a couple villagers on the pot.
Your honey will eventually return, but it takes a really, really, really long time, so don’t depend on it much at all. Also, to earn tech points faster, drop your chief onto the lab so he will direct work. This will increase the rate of point accumulation. Master Scientists also create me tech points, so if you have one or more, keep them researching rather than set them on another task like building. Good luck!
September 25, 2013 at 2:44 am