Question by Sports Maven: Who has seen the PETA ad for vegetarians? Did that go too far?
What is up with them being the extreme opposite of the Humane Society of the United States. Obese people deserve a second chance too!
Feel free to answer in the comment section below
no but it isnt wrong to eat cheeseburgers!!!!!!
September 18, 2013 at 5:06 am
Obesity is the most easily preventable “disease” in the world. Nothing is more totally within our control than what we eat, how much we eat, and how often we eat. No one is force fed chocolate eclairs!
September 18, 2013 at 5:20 am
PETA is the animal rights equivelent of a Muslim suicide bomber or a Right-To-Lifer who kills abortion doctors.
Fanatics who do more to hurt their cause than help it in the eyes of the masses.
September 18, 2013 at 6:02 am
Why is anyone surprised that these nut-jobs are doing something else stupid? These are the people that support BOMB THROWING ARSONISTS… We should be glad that they are just putting up billboards and not actually SHOOTING fat people with snipers from clock towers in an attempt to further their ‘goals’.
PETA is an evil, delusional, POLITICAL ORGANIZATION that lost all touch with reality, if it ever was in touch with reality in the first place.
These sh*t-bags like to compare animals being killed and eaten to the Jews, mentally and physically retarded, and all the other dozens of groups of people that were murdered in the Holocaust.
People that have not done their research on PETA think “They just like cute, fuzzy animals” but that isn’t true…
They are trying to bring about the total downfall of modern society…
They want to eliminate pets of all kinds… Since they call having a companion animal ‘Slavery’.
They want to eliminate farming of animals of any kind…
They even want to stop crop farmers from using bees to pollinate their crops…
Something like 70% of ALL of our food crops are pollinated by bees… Bees that are raised by “Bee Farmers” that take the hives from field to field, getting paid by the farmer for the use of the bees for the season. (Since we need more bees than nature can naturally support in a given area for the amounts of crops we are growing…)
I’m still trying to get a PETA member to tell me what, exactly, we will all eat if we can’t eat meat AND 70% of our food crops are eliminated!
Not to mention the medical research that they would eliminate…
Vaccines? Can’t have THOSE! The vaccinations are grown in *GASP* EGGS!
So if the flue kills you or your family member… Don’t b*tch… You are just living in the type of world that PETA wants us to live in…
PETA is more than willing to KILL HUMANS to further their goals… They have Convicted Domestic Terrorists on their payroll… They even pay for the legal team of people that burn down buildings and KILL people in the name of “Animal Freedom”.
Check out this episode of Penn & Teller on P.E.T.A. and what they REALLY do and what they REALLY stand for…
You will be shocked by what you learn…
GoogleVideo Search for “Penn Teller PETA”
I'm Being Stalked By A Loser
September 18, 2013 at 6:17 am
yea they went way too far. I understand that peta has the best intentions most times but they went way out ther with tha billboard. the last thing overweight or obese people need is seeing that and beinging them down more. peta should be ashamed of themselves..
September 18, 2013 at 7:16 am
I’M BEING STALKED BY A LOSER, I just read something on Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream today and PETA’s name came up there, too (on wikipedia). It said they sent the ice cream makers a letter advising them to use women’s breast milk instead of cow’s milk to make their ice cream.
Plus I remember hearing about PETA throwing things at celebrities wearing fur at an awards show. Surprise, surprise. If I started dating someone and found out they were a member of PETA, I wouldn’t even date them anymore. That’s how fearful I am of that militant group.
Lana T.
September 18, 2013 at 8:08 am
There is a quote by G.B.Shaw which says, “A fool’s brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry.”.
This stands for PETA as well. If stupid fanatics take up a good cause, they will ‘digest’ it into fanaticism and embitter people to the cause, doing more harm than good in the process. This is what Al Gore did to environmentalism and Daniel Pipes did to secularism.
Agent Elrond
September 18, 2013 at 8:28 am