what are some ways people lose their identities as humans?

Filed under: Bees |

Question by weenerxinyoxface: what are some ways people lose their identities as humans?
not like with credit cards or social security.
relating more to realizing they have no purpose, marriage, or just a loss in passion.
kind of like a midlife crisis scenario

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3 Responses to what are some ways people lose their identities as humans?

  1. Marriage or a relationship. A lot of people give up their hopes and dreams to become the person their “significant other” wants them to be or think they want them to be.

    Johnny M.
    July 8, 2013 at 5:51 pm

  2. By realizing that’s all just games people play anyway..

    Wandering Bear
    July 8, 2013 at 6:05 pm

  3. This is very very simple but no1 wants to talk about it. 2the point where they actually say it is nonsense.
    1. Addiction. Substance or Activity. 2. Trauma and Chaos from Childhood. 3. Mental Illness.

    U don’t just wake up1 morning after having the perfect life &decide to start smoking meth. Addiction is DOCUMENTED 2b a primarily genetic illness, which is why it is so hard to treat. ALL addicts have ADD, the only difference between them is the severity of the disorder. In some, they can control it themselves in others they can’t sit down& pay attention long enough to read a newspaper. Just because the severity of the disorder differs between people doesn’t negate the fact that it is present in ALL ADDICTS. ►Scientific American Search for “Addiction” http://www.scientificamerican.com/search/?q=Addiction&x=0&y=0
    Addicts &people that are mentally ill both implicitly and explicitly abuse their offspring. Period. If they are untreated4 either their addiction or their mental illness, they are mind-raping their kids. An untreated bipolar mom is impaired &usually in some part of the irrational cycle of her disorder &an impaired mother is an abusive mother. (Not to mention that mommy or daddy probably passed their mental illness on2 the kids when they selfishly decided 2breed.) If that/those parent(s) got treatment 4their mental illness &kept it under control, that would resolve a majority of the issue, but refusing to seek treatment IS CHILD ABUSE. The hormones and chemicals in the mentally ill mother alters how the very fetus develops in her womb. Children of depressed mothers have a higher potentiality for Violence and Aggression simply because of hormonal exposure in the womb. ►Depressed Pregnant Women More Likely to Have Aggressive Kids http://www.livescience.com/culture/depressed-pregnant-women-100205.html An untreated, active addict is impaired. It doesn’t matter if s/he is addicted 2alcohol, gambling, extreme sports, food, sex, it is all addiction &it results in trauma to the child. (Again, not including the genetic potential they passed along to their offspring.) It doesn’t matter that Mommy never smokes meth “In Front Of” the child. The mother is still impaired &the child is a sponge soaking up what will become their “Ideal” partner in the future. An impaired parent is both an implicit &explicitly abusive parent. Addictions &mental illness strip away our mammalian parenting instincts. A healthy, well adjusted person does not abuse their kid. But when you are impaired, you lose that spark of humanity that then allows you to offer your kids up to predators/victimizers. Causes you to seek out addicts and victimizers to live/marry/mate with. Addiction, mental illness, and physical illness. EVEN HOW YOU LOOK… can be altered by your upbringing. The alteration is the result of the switching on &off of the Epigenome. If a chid is raised by a mentally ill, abusive, or addict parent, it can alter how they look, their potential for cancer, their potential for diabetes, their potential for mental illness. ►NOVA Science Now – Topic: The Epigenome http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/3411/02.html Then we get in to the childhood of the parents themselves. If a child is molested, abused, the child of an addict, their brains become hardwired to seek out people like their parents to mate with, their brains are then biologically hardwired to be good victims. This is why a majority of rapes go unreported. There is a primitive survival mechanism that is active in children then permanently hardwired in to the brain of the adult that keeps them in the ‘Freeze Reaction’. Victimizers, usually victims themselves, can somehow SENSE a good victim &will make a bee-line to them. They freeze when attacked, disassociate, then like when the babysitter’s boyfriend got them when they were 6, not tell anyone. ANY person that has been raped more than once after the age of 13 was set up for this by early childhood trauma. Period. It is the result of their developed biology. These people will then choose to breed with addicts &victimizers OR be able to hold a stable, healthy relationship for long enough to produce offspring then break up with ‘The good guy’ because of the lack of chaos bring victimizing Step-Dad in2 the picture2 pick up where HER victimizer left off. This is also why so many parents of victims call them liars& refuse 2help them. The parents are victims themselves &can’t cope or realize their own capability in their child’s abuse& respond with “Denial”.

    You may only be 7 but you SEDUCED your father
    You are just looking for attention! Stop lying
    Your just trying to break us up! Stop lying
    Officer, she just doesn’t like her step-dad… She made it all up

    These are HORRIBLY COMMON responses by mothers that were victims &males that are molested as children, they are DOCUMENTED to have a 40%-60% chance of growing up2 have pedophiliac urges.

    Nom Nom Nom
    July 8, 2013 at 6:26 pm

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