Why do people chose to continue living in a monitary system?

Filed under: Goats |

goat farming
Image by frank2037

Question by mr_boudreaux26: Why do people chose to continue living in a monitary system?
Why do we chose to continue living like dogs for the ultra rich. Why do we choose to continue a system that makes us more and more reliant on the system designed to keep us chasing a dream? We turn a blind eye to government control, corporations that run this country while creating jobs in otheres. The systematic shut down of small farming and agriculture. And increase in entertainment media while education levels continues to decline. And for what in return? Bills, a job most of us hate, federal taxes, (which by the way are unconstitutional and not a law in the first place.) We give up our freedoms and lives as humans to corporate and political vampires who survive much like leeches. Society has become a disease itself. Our social ”classes”, materialism, love for a dollar (paper), and apathy is what keeps us under this tyrannical rule! You only think we are free because you want to believe that. We are in actuality, trained like dogs. Brainwashed since birth and everyday thereafter. Wake up people! We’re all in this together for better, or alas, for worse.

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2 Responses to Why do people chose to continue living in a monitary system?

  1. forgetting all your other stuff here, let me ask you…how are you going to get paid? in goats or apples or whatever your job handles? and then, how are you going to buy much of anything? i’m sure your local chevy dealer will be able to do business by swapping new cars for clay pots and goats and whatever else. i mean, come on. unless you use some system like ‘money’, you are left with being unable to do anything except run all lives and businesses on the barter system. it won’t work, and it especially won’t work when you consider that so much of what do today has to do with complicated machinery and technology and cooperative production in which parts are made one place and then assembled in another and then goes on down the line, plant to plant, ending up as a finished product. and without money, the whole idea of a retail system in which pretty much everything is available to everyone is impossible. walmart can’t serve you if everyone is bringing what they have in to trade for what they want. neither can the local diner.

    June 26, 2013 at 4:40 pm

  2. they aren’t as smart as you

    June 26, 2013 at 5:02 pm

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