Does this report into rural businesses demonstrate a complete lack of understanding/understatement?

Filed under: Poultry |

urban chickens
Image by jalexartis
iPhone4 pic, showing accent lighting–grainy

Question by R T Fischall: Does this report into rural businesses demonstrate a complete lack of understanding/understatement?

I like my morning chuckle and this article provided it, intelligence at work here folks, why do rural businesses seem to be worse off than urban businesses answers on a postcard to these unenlightened ones, failing that me.

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2 Responses to Does this report into rural businesses demonstrate a complete lack of understanding/understatement?

  1. Its hard to judge. Discussion of rural economics would contain so many more issues and frequently the issues are local. From my experience the biggest recent impact on rural areas is people shopping the Internet. Without the business and the tax revenue from it, local economies are suffering more and more.

    June 25, 2013 at 9:05 pm

  2. What do any of them know ofrural affairs and businesses? Bet they do their research watching Emmerdale! The rural economy is at the moment a very mixed bag with the arable farms once again being able to make money from grain and cereal, in no small way thanks to India and China buying up so much in europe. The livestock farmers who supply supermarkets are still getting a pittance but if they dont sell to these outlets then the supermarkets will go to europe for their meat. Milk is still being produced and sold at ridiculous prices again due to the supermarkets but you can see why there is such a stranglehold. When our streets, villages, towns and cities had independant shops virtually all the bread, cereals, milk, eggs, cheese, fruit and veg and all our meat came from British farms. Today it will only be British produce if the supermarkets put it there as they have effectively rid the country of around ninety percent of independant shops, but the prices they charge are scandalous. The profit on a chicken has to be seen to be believed. This stupid, wastrel bunch of cretins collectively known as the Labour government don’t give a damn about the rural economy, they don’t live in it and they don’t understand it! Nor do they get their votes from it so why should they care?

    Helen S
    June 25, 2013 at 9:23 pm

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