How do I talk to my dad about tampons/pads or periods?

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Question by girly_girl: How do I talk to my dad about tampons/pads or periods?
Okay my mom is not around anymore and I think I am having my period… yesterday I found spots of blood on my panties. I am 13 and I think I am going to start having my periods… I don’t have any adult around her ( we just moved to michigan) so I don’t have any friends or friends mom’s to talk to. How do I ask my dad to get me tampons or pads …… it seems embarrassing.
It is summer and I don’t know any of the teachers it is summer break for anther month!!!

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21 Responses to How do I talk to my dad about tampons/pads or periods?

  1. Okay so just go to your dad and be like
    “Hey…Uhm.. Dad, I think I got my period. Do you think you could get me some pads? Please.”
    I’m sure since your mom isn’t there he will.
    Every girl get’s periods and every guy knows that.
    I’m sure he knows that it would come eventually.

    Supaaa Girl ♥
    June 19, 2013 at 11:40 am

  2. for dads it would be because their men and some dont understand women issues, actually like none do. So I think I would try saying “Dad I had a girl emergency, Can you buy me a pad?” that may not be the best way to go, but you have to tell him. Or use loads of toller paper/ paper towels

    Tessa V
    June 19, 2013 at 12:33 pm

  3. Just ask him. He should be expecting this.

    June 19, 2013 at 12:50 pm

  4. You should talk to a teacher (female) one you can trust

    June 19, 2013 at 1:33 pm

  5. Awww Im So Srry Bout That , But Umm If I Was In That Situation I’d Probably Say “Dad , can you take me to the store.” If He Asks Why Just Say “I Have To Buy Feminine Thinqs.” Im Sure He’ll Understand . Good Luck; Hope I Helped !

    - Pookie Baybee ™
    June 19, 2013 at 2:03 pm

  6. just say it like you dont care
    thats what i did to my dad
    i mean
    every second person gets their period
    its so darn normal
    just say it with confidence
    cause then you wont get embarrased
    he dealt with your mums period
    so it will be normal

    <3 Sunshine!☮
    June 19, 2013 at 2:15 pm

  7. You need to just say, Dad I need some money to go to the pharmacy for some girl items or feminine hygiene. How much? I don’t know because I’ll need a couple things; pantie liners and mini pads, but he won’t care to hear what or maybe he wants to be there for you.

    This should help you with your symptoms.

    A period can look like many things to many different people. It can show up as one red dot, a long stringy cord of blood, a blob (clot) that can be the size of a pea and big as kiwi (fruit).

    The colors can very from very bright red which is fresh shedding from your uterus which is filled with blood and tissue, as the days progress the color can or will start to turn darker & darker, burgandy, brown, and then black.

    The smell can very from no scent, faint odour, and as the days progress and the discharge gets older (darker) the smell will get stronger, & much more sour smell.

    It can last a few hours up to 7-10 days. Everyone is different and will have their own routine and schedule.

    So Sweetie, how about you give this a try and see if this will help you with future periods. ♥

    My daughter and I just went through this together. ♥

    I got my daughter a calendar in her room, panty liners, light pads and felts. ♥
    Each time my daughter had an emotional outburst we used a symbol (red mad face) on the calendar . These feelings included anger, rage, weeping, crying, screaming, bauling, irritable. They are symptoms of your hormones. ♥

    Each time my daughter needed to use a panty liner on her underwear for discharge, we used a symbol (blue triangle) on the calendar. Your vagina will start to discharge a milky white sticky substance. This is your body’s natural cleansing system. ♥

    Each time my daughter needed to use a panty liner on her underwear for spotting, we used a symbol (red triangle) on the calendar. Each time she felt or experienced abdominal cramps or intestinal cramps we used a symbol (red circle) on the calendar. Each time she voided (#2),we used a symbol (red square). ♥

    Each person will develop their own personal symptoms: voiding diarhea day before, headaches, achy back, achy body can also be a symptom to record under a symbol that personal to you. ♥

    Once you establish a routine and you can see that there is approximately 20-30 days in between the episodes, you will know approximately when it’s going to start. ♥

    You want to discuss with your mom and/or dad about pain control in the event you have cramps. You will want to have either Midol or Pamprin for teens on hand, panty liners, thin maxi pads, and an electric heating pad for the cramps. You may also hear that Advil, Motrin or Ibuprofen help. ♥

    Always carry panty liners in your purse and use them for the watery white discharge, or there could be a smell or it can dry and pinch you. ♥

    Lastly, if you don’t have a diary, no worries, but think about a work book for yourself ~ a journal. Write down your goals, accomplishments, frustrations, solutions, fears, overcoming obstacles, etc. It’s your personal collection. by Tampax Kotex Always… websites for children about adolescents

    I will answer your emails and questions. Blessings. <><

  8. It’s a double whammy of embarrassment then isn’t it? Well, since he’s now pretty much a single father of a young teen girl he’s probably been expecting this to happen at some point. You just need to take a deep breath and ask him if he can take you to the store and give you some money for “hygiene products” so you can shop by yourself.

    You should not feel embarrassed about buying these yourself and if you’re embarrassed about your dad being with you tell him to leave you alone in the tampons/pads section while he just does his own shopping/browsing until you feel like you’re done. Read up on products online ahead of time and look at the directions and product info on the boxes while you’re at the store. You may take a while before you’re committed to certain brands and styles of these products so this may be awkward for a while.

    One more thing: I would recommend you just stick for pads for the first few periods until you are comfortable enough w/ some girl friends to ask them about tampons or their moms. Also, look for pads w/ wings on them. Should you bleed on your panties and/or bottoms Hydrogen Peroxide followed by a hand washing in hot soapy water should lift the stains out.

    Good luck!

    June 19, 2013 at 3:25 pm

  9. Any dad knows having a daughter means sooner or later you will both have to have that conversation. There really isn’t any need for either of you to be embarassed about it, although I can understand it wouldn’t be one you’d want to have on a regular basis over pizza. Your father already knows all about the birds and bees, periods, bras and the whole deal. So you don’t have to do a lot of leading in for this. All you have to do is simply state the obvious, that you are spotting and think your first period is underway. You will need to purchase pads. For your first few periods, pad will just be easier to use. You will want the sort that have wings, and two absorbancies- a regular and a nighttime. The brand doesn’t really matter, you will make your own favorite type after a while, and you can try them all until you find one that suits you. You may also like to get panty liners, to wear on the days you expect a period might arrive. No matter what you do, leaks will happen and a few panties will end up stained. Don’t toss those. Keep them in a nice little stack to one side of your drawer, and simply wear those when you have your period. It saves spoiling other nice ones. After you have had your period for a while, you can try out tampons if you want. For those you will want to start with the Tampax Juniors, I would think. Plan on using the first box just to learn how to insert them. You are still rather young, and growing, so tampons probably won’t be comfortable to use at this point. But you can try if you like. It won’t hurt anything. Dad won’t be much help coaxing with that part, but hopefully your school will have a nurse who will be happy to help you out if you explain the situation. If you start to get cramps, you will find Motrin most helpful to control those. Don’t let them get out of control before you take something either. As soon as you realize you have that low belly ache, try taking two Motrin. You can still take showers and baths during your period too, and you should. Used pads should be rolled up and wrapped in a single layer of toilet paper and thrown in the trash. Whichever trashcan you use, you will want to empty that out of the house each day, or it can develop an odor. If you spot a sheet or your undies, you can try to remove the spot with hydrogen peroxide poured directly on the spot, and dab up the fizzy bit. Keep putting on the peroxide until it looks like it is all gone. Then wash as usual in cold water with detergeant. You can also soak undies in cold water overnight, which removes most of it as long as it is a fresh stain. For school, you will want a non-see through pencil case. In that case, you will keep a gallon size ziplock baggie, a change of undies, and a couple pads. It will all go in your backpack easily, and you can carry it to the bathroom without raising any suspicions at all. It also may help if you take a spare pair of jeans to stash in your locker, just in case you need a full change at some point. It will save you having to explain in the front office and call your dad. If you have any other questions, your dad should be able to answer them, or at least he will know some lady he can ask to help out. Good luck dear, welcome to womanhood, and just have a talk with your dad. It will be okay.

    The mom
    June 19, 2013 at 3:25 pm

  10. Alright well im sorry about your mom situation. But your dad knows your a teenager and hes going to see it comming.
    i would say “Dad i need to go to the store” and if he asks why just say “girl reasons” and itll be less embarassing than asking for pads or tampons. Trust me, he knows its gonna happen sooner or later, it happens to all girls .

    :] good luck.

    June 19, 2013 at 3:53 pm

  11. Trust me it wont be awkward guys dont really care about that kind of stuff it wont be that weird for him it might be for you but you’ll get over it.

    June 19, 2013 at 4:37 pm

  12. I went through the same thing. So I know what it’s like. He found out on his own but anyway just ask him. Your dad knows it will come sooner or later. Guys know about girl stuff. And after you ask him he won’t really talk that much afterwards about it because he will be embarrassed just as much as you will. My dad was for sure.

    You could check out this website.

    June 19, 2013 at 4:49 pm

  13. haha i understand. ive had 2 ask my dad b4. u simpley ask for pads. or even if he can drop u off at the store so u can get pads. he will totally understand. i promise

    hello ppl of the unicalverse!
    June 19, 2013 at 5:35 pm

  14. well. you can just plane out bring it up….
    but if you would rather talk to a a freind or family member on the phone and talk to them…choose someone your comfortable with and who has already had their period
    it sound like you have begun you period
    go buy some tampons or pads (your choice) and where them.
    sometimes on the first period pads will be more comfortable because its not a heavy period yet,,or if you want ot wear the tampon just wear an extra slim. thats what i did because i had to wear tampon right away because i do ballet..and now its all i wear.
    but its your choice.
    you can read some puberty books at borders or something. read it in a corner and hide them with a big book. no one will notice.
    good luck

    June 19, 2013 at 6:24 pm

  15. I know it seems very embarassing to have to talk to your dad about this, but just remember that he’s always known its coming! I’m sure he’s very aware of your age and being thirteen usually means you get your period. I suggest casually going up to him and saying “Hey Dad, this is really awkward for me, but I just got my period and I really need some stuff…Could you please take me to the store?” Or if you don’t even want to tell him that you got your period you could simply ask him “Hey Dad, can you take me to the store today? I need to get a few things.” If he asks what they are, you can nonchalantly say “You know, ‘girl stuff’…”
    Good luck girl! 🙂 And for the meantime if you dont have any pads or tampons- make sure to wear jeans or dark colored pants in case it begins to bleed through and wrap alot of toilet paper in your underwear. When you go to the store to get the pads, try wearing a jacket around your waiste just in case it leaks.

    June 19, 2013 at 6:53 pm

  16. your Dad knows that you will have a period ,so just say it or ask for some money and when he asks what it’s for say pads/tampons .

    " I'm a Librarian"
    June 19, 2013 at 7:02 pm

  17. What about your mom, to tell your dad just follow the first answer, I agree with her!

    Koseph M
    June 19, 2013 at 7:53 pm

  18. just say – dad can u take me to cvs? (or whatever) i need some woman stuff – haha he’s just as uncomfortable about this as you are. most guys like to avoid this stuff, so just ask him to drop you off at some store and tell him youneed to pick something up. you dont even have to tell him what you want. good luck!

    June 19, 2013 at 8:43 pm

  19. It’s nothing you can put lightly.

    Just tell him you need to go to the store to get some maxi pads.

    I don’t think you have to tell him your started your period because that will be a given.

    He’ll probably take you and not say anything about it afterwards.

    Good luck.

    21 & Lovin' It!
    June 19, 2013 at 9:05 pm

  20. I know what you are going true, I was even embarrased to tell my mom. But there is nathing to be embarrased about. Just tell him that you got girl issues and you need money to buy femenine needs and if he ask what is the problem say you got your period. Or if you need him to go buy it for you, well just ask him if he would please go get you some pads. I asure you he will respect your privacy and he won’t ask any questions unles you want to talk about it with him.

    June 19, 2013 at 9:42 pm

  21. I live in Michigan, too!

    Well, the best way to go about this is just asking him for a little money. Five dollars is all you’ll need. Tell him you need girl products, and if he asks what, tell him you just need girl products. Hopefully he understands.

    Good luck, girl!

    June 19, 2013 at 9:57 pm

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