Tukey is not with Syria therefore it is against: So why is turkey against Syria?

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Question by Mostafa: Tukey is not with Syria therefore it is against: So why is turkey against Syria?
Turkey want military action against Syria even though Turkey invade Syrian airspace?

Where is justice?

Both are islamic? Or is it turkey giving in to the demands of Nato and U.S.A

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6 Responses to Tukey is not with Syria therefore it is against: So why is turkey against Syria?

  1. Turkey is a member of NATO.

    June 18, 2013 at 1:29 pm

  2. Turkey and Syria have long been hostile neighbors. It isn’t easy trying to build a stable democracy (they’ve had a remarkable political reformation) trying to join the EU (I think they are glad now they didn’t) and NATO (they are a the second biggest army in NATO after the US) while a crazy dictator puppet of Iran lives next door.

    Recently, a flood of refugees have been coming over the boarder, putting a strain on Turkey’s resources. Not only that, but Syria shot across the boarder, killing people on the Turkish side. There is some question, last I checked, about whether or not the spy plane was over the border when shot down. Turkey said it wasn’t, Syria said it was. While Syria is generally less credible, in this case their story is more plausible.

    Religion has little to do with it.

    Joe Finkle
    June 18, 2013 at 2:07 pm

  3. turkey is against anyone but gravy. Syria is good for pancakes.
    So Right there you have a conflict.
    What can you do about it, but whine? And watch from a distance from who ever is showing their slanted view?
    You want justice? Get a dictionary.
    We are flawed – all of us. Together, we are just more flawed.
    Wars fought with other people’s children are easier and quicker than diplomacy and sense.
    So as long as there are 2 people left in the world, they will be trying to kill each other!
    Here is the answer to almost every question there is: Follow the money. Someone is getting rich -that is why that is happening.

    June 18, 2013 at 2:16 pm

  4. president of Turkey is puppet of US and Israel like Mubarak and Ghazafi and his people are against his actions against Islam.
    Turkey needs another spring to its government become Islamic like its people.

    near 15000 Wahhabi terrorists who paid by Saudi have entered Syria and trying to destroy Syria government. they are not Syrian people.
    Syria militarry has arrested many of them and soon will show their interview in TV and Saudi who supported them will be exposed soon.
    they kill innocent shia Syrians and take pics and send to western media. and media say Assad is killing his own people.

    what is happening in world is Zionist Regime is trying to destroy Twelver Shia Islam. Muslims are two main category shia and sunni. for difference please look:

    Islam is religion of peace and prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not killed any one with his hand. Internet and media are full of propaganda against Islam. but problem is wetern people are brainwashed by media and do not know what is Islam.
    Iran not attacked and will not start attack to any country. its Israel fears Iran and wants to destroy Iran.
    Ayatollahs loves peace. but also use defensive war (Jihad) when attacked.
    if Israel accept logical talk with Iran about no war will happen. both Iran and Israel have same God but diffrent interpret of religion that can be solved by talk. but they are crazy and consider any non Jew as animal. they kill Palestinians kids as if they are animals.
    Iran not want conflict. but if be forced will defend.
    Mahdi (sa) wants victory of God. its not for Iran. Mahdi (sa) is for you also. he comes with Jesus (sa) toghether to save all the humanity. not only Iranians.
    antichrist is Zionism (not true Judaism)
    why destroy Iran? why not hear Iran logically and accept TRUE updated religion of REAL God (not a man in sky that church made it)?

    many Kings claim to be Muslim but they lie. like church

    you should know what is wahhabi.

    also there are a group of sunni Muslims called Wahhabi that is based in Saudi Arabia.

    also Jews are two group: good Jews and evil Jews (Zionists)

    sunni Muslims are not much political like shia Muslims. Wahhabi sect of sunni (centered in Saudi Arabia) are in fact allied and friends with Zionists (centered in Israel).
    to know Wahhabism please look:

    there are two main opposite ideological political pole in world:
    Twelver Shia Islam and Zionism
    others are in fact nutral or following one of these two.
    both pole have similar claims:
    both claim are waitig for a final savior to save world. one Mahdi+Jesus and one for Jesus.
    both claim are choosen nation by God
    both claim the other is AntiChrist
    both want to wipe other off the map to save the world.

    people of Hezbollah in south Lebanon, Syria, Bahrain, Iraq are Shia Muslims also Egypt and many more all are allied with Iran (in fact allied with twelver shia Islam ideology)

    US and most of west and also wahhabis are allied with Israel.( in fact allied with Zionism ideology)

    Iran supports Hezbollah from Syria/Lebanon border.

    Israel (Zionism ideology) is now in its final breaths and is collapsing. so is doing its best try to drag US in a war to destroy its main enemy (shia Islam that is based in Iran) to maybe can survive some years more.

    Hezbollah will send rain of missiles on Israel if Israel want to attack Iran. in fact Hezbollah is a guarding shield for Iran against Israel.

    so the key to attack Iran is first destroying Hezbollah. so support of Hezbollah from Syria should first be cut.
    also most of popular media are hijacked and in control by Zionism.
    now many foreign militants by support of Israel are trying to destroy Syria government and also shia people of Syria. Syria military kills some of them and media is brainwashing world in favor of Zionism.

    UN is also hijacked by Zionism.

    before believing anything western media say please have look at:

    most Important thing for Iran is shia Islam ideologies and they Shia Muslims are ready to forgive their lives for shia Islam. like what they did in Iran/Iraq war supported by world.

    please for sake of Allah ask beliefs of shia Islam from shia scholars and no other source.
    official websites of some of top shia Islam scholars:

    a Proud Shi'a
    June 18, 2013 at 2:58 pm

  5. Another dumber than a bag of hammers troll question.

    Go do some basic research with regards Syrian – Turkish international history kid.

    June 18, 2013 at 3:52 pm

  6. Hi,

    1- Turkish jet was unarmed and it was in scheduled training exercise. All comm channels was open and identity of plane was not hidden.
    2- Syrian airspace has been crossed for short time only which happens to all countries recently and that’s why international engagement rules there. Accordingly Syria should have warn first then send the fighter jets to force the invaders land or leave the airspace! If none of them work then warning shots and if it does not work then shot and down!
    3- Turkish jet has been shot down after 15 minutes of airspace violation while it in International airspace! After place shot lost the control and crashed into the Syrian waters. These information have been confirmed by NATO’s radars!
    4- If you are after justice please questions Syrians why they are killing children and raping women! Do you need photos? Please have a look! Personally I could not watch it but its up to you.

    5- Both countries are not Islamic as Syrian population majority Muslim but whole country ruled by non-Islamic minority which they called Nusayris which they do not believe Islam and refuse the God! Unfortunately Syria known an Islamic country because of mass population but they never been in power nor rule anyway. Whenever they raised they had massacre. Esed’s father also killed thousands innocent who after freedom and his son doing the same thing.

    June 18, 2013 at 4:31 pm

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