Why do People of different religions kill animals in the name of sacrifice?

Filed under: Poultry |

urban chickens
Image by jalexartis
East Run, looking south

Question by abc xyz: Why do People of different religions kill animals in the name of sacrifice?
i heard few religions have this tradition of killing camels,sheep,goat and other animals as sacrifice and prasie the god .is tht is mentioned in their books to do so? wht sadistic pleasure they get by doing so? wht does lord give them if done? dont they have compassion for animals?y dont they kill themselves or anyone of their family instead?coz animals dont go to courts and they cant protest and there is no one to ask? why organisations like blue cross and others do not stop this evil killing? i m a hindu, i have learnt tht even hindus who live in rural areas do tht coz they are illetrate and also the educated do in some cases .(this is where i m proud to be a brahman where we dont have such traditions.) they brutally kill and then eat their flesh in joy.i appeal to all out there not kill animals for food specially those live in urban areas and try to creae awareness among those who do it. if they dont follow bring them to justice. thanks to bird flu!!!

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8 Responses to Why do People of different religions kill animals in the name of sacrifice?

  1. LOL… poor animals! hehe 😉 jk

    June 11, 2013 at 5:14 am

  2. If they eat the flesh then whats the problem? Better than sacrificing humans.

    Dr Dee
    June 11, 2013 at 5:35 am

  3. if u learn science, the animal wont feel the pain if u cut their throat on the right spot.and death is just circle of life.you will die too someday, and i will to.so is everybody.it’s not sadistic action, because even animals know to thank god, in their own way.god give animals to us to keep our circle of life moving.what u think our ancestor or the primitive people ate back then?you better ask why human kill another human being.that is what we call sadistic.

    June 11, 2013 at 5:57 am

  4. What you told is very familiar to me. Because the I also did it. My memory is very fresh that I remember completely. But if you ask me why doing so. I will say I am obliged. When I look around everybody say that this is an islamic tradition and this is an order came from god.
    Indeed, what I really don’t like, why poeple try to kill these infront of children, it is really bad. I believe only butchers should kill these animals.
    Poeple in islamic countries generally, doesn’t think real philosophical meaning of an order. Butchers can kill the animals, and also this can be a sacrifice.
    The philosohical meaning of sacrifice is that, ‘Poeple in the world has not own the resources in the world. They are guest. They use the resources of the god. So they give their animal to the god in the meaning of that ‘ I have not got an animal. Every animal indeed own to god. So I give to the god’.Poeple who sacrifice an animal should share their meat with poors. Even if rarely poeple do this.

    June 11, 2013 at 6:27 am

  5. The concept used to be rather universal that nature was influenced and/or directed by multiple gods in charge of that area, and that the gods could be humored by a gift. Since animals were items of value, a valuable gift to, say, the god of war could cause the god to assist the people in their battle. An animal sacrifice to the goddess of crops could result in a bumper crop. The concept addressed in these religions is not really different than our own parenting methods: do well, and you will be rewarded. do poorly, and you will be punished. be generous and all is forgiven. The fact that you value the life of animals greatly is commendable. But it is not necessarily a superior belief than those who believe that the lives of humans will be greatly bettered by sacrificing an animal to the god in control of nature. I support your desires to protect animals and to challenge arbitrary slaughter. You might consider whether it is a good idea to support others’ rights to their belief systems so that your right is preserved. Good luck in your battle to protect the innocents without power.

    June 11, 2013 at 6:49 am

  6. I know that in the bible there was a lot of animal sacrifice. However, I feel that since God gave the blood of his son sacrifice is no longer needed, Jesus died for our sins.

    I don’t know who or what religions still use animals for sacrifice….nor do I know if there were still animal sacrifices after the death of Christ (I’m still not through the whole bible, im only in fact just starting)

    However I don’t feel it’s needed or right in this society…

    June 11, 2013 at 7:49 am

  7. I decided to become a vegetarian because of that exactly six years ago tomorrow. I was raised to see eating animals as something normal, but then I thought about it one day and felt that as long as I can live a healthy life (even healthier) without that, then why kill innocent animals just for my personal pleasure, cause if my body can survive without it, then I am only killing them because I like their taste, so for my own pleasure. I cant believe that God created animals and gave them a soul just for humans to eat them. If I were in a situation where I had to eat an animal or die, then probably the will to survive will push me to eating that, other wise and as long as I have lots of other things to eat and keep me healthy, I find it a criminal act.
    People love pets, they have pets and then they go kill another animal. This is something I can not understand. Can they imagine eating their own pet?
    And regarding the sacrefice of animals to God in somereligions, in Islam it is not meant that way, it is meant to feed hungry poor people, not as a sacrefice to God. Who are we to sacrefice something that is not ours for God, if we need to sacrefice something to show God how grateful we are to him, we should probably start by being better and not by killing an innocent soul.

    June 11, 2013 at 8:45 am

  8. As you are a Hindu, you don’t eat meat. Why? Because of religious reason. The same reason people of some other religions slaughter animals to eat their meat. We believe that God created everything good for us, humans. Why we deceive ourselves from this blessing? Many modern Hindus started avoiding being strict vegetarian because of health issues. If you don’t eat any kind of meat, you miss a great deal of food nutrients which substantially comes with beef & chicken. And, we don’t slaughter animals in such a way that they become extinct. We do this in an intellectual scientific way that the natural balance between the animal population & human need for meat remains harmonious.

    Isn’t it idiotic to hold something brutal which, meat, has been a source of multi-billion dollar business for centuries?

    June 11, 2013 at 9:17 am

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