What are 15 LIVING things humans need to survive/live?

Filed under: Bees |

Question by live.laugh.love…: What are 15 LIVING things humans need to survive/live?
For a science project I have to come up with 15 living things humans need to survive. Also, 15 NONliving things humans need to survive. And if that wasn’t enough, we also need 15 ways that humans effect the enviornment. Help is greatly appreciated…..and also what catefory would food fit into? I think non-living, but idk.

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2 Responses to What are 15 LIVING things humans need to survive/live?

  1. trees
    other people
    and love is alive ;DDD
    food is nonliving unelss its like a fruit or vegetabke

    Chip SkyLark
    June 5, 2013 at 5:26 pm

  2. Intestinal flora.

    The bacteria in your guts are more important than most people realize. Mice raised in sterile environments are unable to efficiently absorb nutrients from their food and require special diets to avoid death by malnutrition. This is why antibiotics make your stomach queasy.


    Trees are not really great for producing oxygen. Bacteria in the soil around them use a lot of oxygen and when they die they often burn or fully decompose; carbon is seldom permanently stored. It is in the oceans that oxygen is mass-produced by millions of tiny plant cells. Phytoplankton form the basis for all marine food chains and without them the oceans would be barren and largely fishless.


    People need houses and paper and fuel and phytoplankton can’t do everything.


    Life without beer would not be worth living. Also they’re ideal for certain industrial processes; reprogram their genetics to make a chemical you need and “brew” a vat of custom pharmaceuticals or any other chemical you could possibly want. Just plain old ethanol has lots of applications.


    Billions of people eat it three meals a day. We could live without cows if we had to and we could probably manage without corn and potatoes, but not rice.


    While not lethal in most climates, nakedness can be inconvenient and it is embarrassing in most cultures. The U.N. lists clothing along with food, water and shelter as things all humans should have rights to.


    Most plants rely on these terrifying and painful insects. Almost all fruits and vegetables would go extinct without them.

    Cellulolytic microorganisms

    Cellulose, the main ingredient in wood, is nearly indestructible. No animal can eat it alone. Cows and termites can digest it with the help of certain protozoas in their guts that make a very special enzyme that can tease apart the bonds. Without this microbial enzyme wood would just pile up indefinitely and there would be no available carbon in Earth’s biosphere to make new living things.

    There are many others. Earthworms, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, but I’m out of time 🙂

    Anonymous Viking
    June 5, 2013 at 6:25 pm

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