Is it okay to feed a 4-month old baby goats milk instead of formula?

Filed under: Goats |

goat farming
Image by frank2037

Question by MaGiC: Is it okay to feed a 4-month old baby goats milk instead of formula?
I don’t wanna hear how u should just breastfeed I know that and that’s not my question. I heard goats milk is closet to humans milk is this true? I live in california, USA. Is it possible to get ahold of this and how?
All info is appreciated thank you!!

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12 Responses to Is it okay to feed a 4-month old baby goats milk instead of formula?

  1. Yes it is.Im all for breastfeeding, but i believe goat milk is healthier than formula.In my town in florida there is a farm that sells organic goat milk.way out in the country.check for something like that!

    good luck.

    glad to see you’re looking into alternatives!

    May 30, 2013 at 4:57 pm

  2. Yes our DD drank goats milk (I think its nasty) & she did fine.

    Tawna A
    May 30, 2013 at 5:12 pm

  3. yes goat’s milk is best for baby. I prefer to raise my own nanny and milk her myself. That way I can feed her sweet feed and the milk will taste great, not goaty.
    Generally any grocery store sells goat milk.

    May 30, 2013 at 5:32 pm

  4. If you love your child, you will either nurse her or give her formula. Introducing milk (cow, goat, etc) can cause anemia and on top of that not give her all the nutrients she needs.

    Not tonight
    May 30, 2013 at 6:27 pm

  5. Absolutely not.

    28 weeks with #2
    May 30, 2013 at 6:36 pm

  6. “I heard goats milk is closet to humans milk is this true?”


    “Donkey milk, along with mare’s milk, is the closest to breast milk”'_milk_(Donkey's_milk)#Composition

    However, that doesn’t mean you want to run out and find asses’ milk.

    Have you done ANY reading AT ALL on this? From reliable sources, I mean? Pre-formula, when people tried feeding orphaned infants off unaltered animal milks, the result was almost always death. Significant modifications to animal milks are required before they are, ah, non-lethal, for human infants.

    WHY would you want to do this? Not breastfeeding = not breastfeeding; there is absolutely no way to alter the odds here. There is no (properly made) formula, homemade or commercial, that offers any demonstrable benefit over any other.

    May 30, 2013 at 6:59 pm

  7. Goat’s milk does not contain all the nutrients and etc that breastmilk does. If you can’t breastfeed you should be giving formula. A baby goat does not need the same thing a human baby does.

    If your child has a dairy protein issue, then you can get goat’s milk FORMULA but not straight goat’s milk.

    Milk from different species of mammals varies widely in nutritional content. The dietary needs of baby cows and goats differ from the needs of human infants. Substituting animal milk for human milk can cause serious problems. Modern infant formula adds iron and vitamin D — which even breast-fed infants often lack — and guarantees the correct balance of nutrients for the first year of life. Goat’s milk formula adjusts the nutritional value of goat’s milk to meet human needs. Like other dairy products, whole goat’s milk should only enter the child’s diet after one year, when introducing whole foods eases the dependency on breast milk or formula.

    Read more:

    May 30, 2013 at 7:23 pm

  8. Weird lol not your question but I was just discussing this with my grandmother in law like a minute ago haha she said it’s better for them if they are eating solids but not while there still mostly formula

    May 30, 2013 at 8:09 pm

  9. A baby shouldn’t have goat or cow’s milk until a year old, & it definitely shouldn’t replace formula. Goat’s have milk for baby goats, not baby humans. Same goes for cows. The closest and most nutritional supplement for your baby other than breast milk is formula. 🙂

    May 30, 2013 at 8:31 pm

  10. Goat’s milk is more like cow’s milk than human milk. I don’t know how this rumor got started, but read what K says. Feeding babies milk from another species makes them sick, if it doesn’t kill them. if you live in a developed country, you have 2 choices: breastmilk or formula, if you want a healthy baby.

    May 30, 2013 at 9:13 pm

  11. Yes that IS true! Goat milk is the closest thing to human milk! It’s also extremely easy to digest. I was raised on a 75 acre dairy goat farm, we had between 150 and 200 goats (depending on the time of year). Over the years we had many mothers of newborns come to us to buy milk, a few had to because their baby was allergic to formula and breastmilk but they did GREAT on the goats milk.

    The fact is goats get a bad wrap! They are CLEANER than cows! And MUCH more picky about what they eat, I know that’s funny because everyone thinks they eat trash (huge myth by the way), but really there are a lot of things they won’t touch… In fact because they are such picky eaters their milk tastes BETTER than cows milk, it’s much sweeter and has a richer flavor. Also cows poop gets all over them and they smear it on other cows (nasty) goats poop pellets so it doesn’t get on anything.

    If you do decide to go with goat milk over formula (which I highly recommend) you need to find a farm that will sell it to you RAW, pasteurizing kills all the enzymes and so on in it and it’s not nearly as good. I suggest looking in your local paper or on your area craigslist. More than likely you won’t find anyone advertising raw milk because it’s not that popular, so look for someone selling “ADGA” (American Dairy Goat Association) registered dairy goats. This means the people raise and professionally show dairy goats, meanig they take good care of their goats and keep a clean farm. Contact them and explain your situation and ask if they would be willing to sell you raw milk on a regular basis.

    Want to learn more about goats? Here is ADGAs official about page:

    Here you can see picutres of the different breeds and learn a little bit about them:

    Dairy Goats are truly wonderful animals and their milk is THE NEXT BEST THING to ours.
    Good Luck with your decision.

    One Bad @ss Mommy
    May 30, 2013 at 9:58 pm

  12. Hi.
    I do not know about that, but I read this post and got curious about the answers.
    As a mom myself, of a 4 month old girl, I want to know more about taking care of a baby.
    I am breastfeeding, after struggling in the first few weeks and having to fight for it.
    It is not an easy fight.

    Now, when I see a mom trying to feed her baby anything closer to human milk, I see nothing but the best intentions. Right or wrong, she is going after more information.
    We all know that formula is an alternative way to human milk, but it does not come close to human milk’s benefits. So I ask, what is wrong with doing a little research on options?

    Then people come here and bother to be RUDE and ABUSIVE, calling names, saying “stupid people shouldn’t breed stupid people”… What the hell??
    Soo disrespecfull.

    I thought that moms were more compassionate of other moms. But that is maybe just me.
    I would NEVER call a mom a name like that when she is trying to see about feeding her baby, what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong.

    No one was born with knowledge. You have to go after it. And that is what this mom is doing.

    You people that came here just to be mean, with arrogance, as if you were born knowing everything, I hope you read this because… shame on you!

    Don’t have any help to offer? Stay quiet!!!

    Now I apologize for not contributing with a real answer to your question.

    But I can’t go quiet.

    Good luck to you.

    ****ps OneBadAss Mommy, you seem to know more than all these arrogant people here. I am glad you took the time to answer and be HELPFUL..

    May 30, 2013 at 10:21 pm

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