How is my diet for weight loss and acne?

Filed under: Poultry |

Question by robert_lee176: How is my diet for weight loss and acne?
So I’m dairy-free, hydrogenated oil-free, sugar-free (no artificial sugar either) gluten-free and eat only apples, oatmeal, turkey, chicken, tuna, and spinach. Fry with evoo and virgin coconut oil. Am I on the right track?

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2 Responses to How is my diet for weight loss and acne?

  1. Actually, you don’t need to “diet” in fact to lose weight, I read this at the site in the box below, they have loads of guidance, I melted away 10 pounds by following their helpful advice.

    Lourdes W
    May 30, 2013 at 6:52 am

  2. To lose weight, and to reduce acne, you should stop frying at all.

    For acne, try taking 7500iu vitamin A and 15mg of chelated zinc every day. You could also try evening primrose oil capsules (1500mg a day).

    To lose weight most quickly, you should improve your diet so that all the nutrients are there (this tiny selection of foods will not do that), and also take fish oils and a good multivitamin/mineral combination every day.

    The most important thing is to exercise at least every 72 hours to raise your metabolic rate. This will make weight loss much more likely. If you eat too little, your body reacts by lowering your metabolic rate, so you burn your food even more slowly (your body thinks starvation is a bad thing, so does what it can to avoid it).

    Basically, you have put yourself on a modified elimination diet, and no such diet should be followed (a) without medical supervision and (b) for longer than 4 months tops.

    Many conditions are affected by nutrition. Malnutrition (which you are risking on such a restricted diet) may even make your acne worse.

    May 30, 2013 at 6:52 am

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