do females get in less car accidents then males?

Filed under: Bees |

Question by Twist: do females get in less car accidents then males?
i see that females get lower rates for auto insurance, is this a sexest thing or are they better drivers?all of the the females i know,every single one of them, have been in at LEAST one accident some of them more then three a accidents yet i only know one male who has had an accident. and in all the accidents ive seen just around town it seems like more often then not it was women driving! could guys ACTUaLLY have an honest gripe for a change on this?! are we being discriminated against and being made to pay higher premiums because we tend to have more money statistically?!!! or are the girls just better drivers.

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11 Responses to do females get in less car accidents then males?

  1. My Mom Has Been In Four Accidents, Totalling A Lexus And A Honda. The Other Two Were Just Big Dents In The Bumper. But Shes Asian So What Can I Say. :]

    [No I Am Not Racist I Am 100% Asian]

    And My Dads Never Been In An Accident

    [He’s Asian Too]

    May 28, 2013 at 11:03 am

  2. yes they have fewer accidents, its the testosterone

    May 28, 2013 at 11:07 am

  3. I agree completely. I’m not sexist, but I do know more girls that have gotten into accidents then guys. I think insurance companies should get with the deal here. Men tend to be more aggressive and reckless behind the wheel, but women seem to be less attentive and panic in emergencies. Where’s the line between who’s more dangerous? I think its completely unfair.

    May 28, 2013 at 11:55 am

  4. No its money. Always has been always will be. But to them the answer is safety. Although I have never felt safe when a girl is driving. (you know the last second breaking and the overall nervousness & destractions) But I have been with road rage guys behind the wheel as well. Just too high stung and in a hurry. but hey, you could be walking, and that would leave alot of time to be pissed off and if you can realise that none of it matters mabey we could advance.

    May 28, 2013 at 12:44 pm

  5. Well as for me and my sweety. I have not had a ticket in over 25yrs.And also haven’t been in an accident in at least that long. But my guy, He’s been in a accident and gotten a couple of tickets .
    But then one of my nieces, she’d been in 7 bad accidents in 8…………..Yep I said 8 months………5 of which they weren’t her fault. And 2 that were her fault.
    Well needless to say, when you see her coming………you go somewhere else…………..LOL..OH and I’m not sure how many tickets she’s gotten………….LOL………but I love yer……LOL

    shyra w
    May 28, 2013 at 1:06 pm

  6. Auto insurance is one of those fields where parity and equality between men and women are not an issue where I live. We all pay the same.
    Lucky you .
    Auto insurance rates are determined by the pay out cost of the previous years accidents. Time and time again, the demography of this group has been young males 16 to 35 yrs old.
    The argument is that if there is no rate reduction for the demographics which incurs the least pay out cost, everybody else is subsidizing the accident prone group.
    As for your question, I think it has everything to do with self discipline and obedience to the rules of the road.. I have seen young male teenagers drive skillfully and responsibly and I have seen the I-am-kingofthe road get out of my way types.

    Female drivers do not fit the I am queen get out of the way type at all, and if we get into an accident, it would be for something silly like a bee flew into the open window and landed on us, or a loose fender or muffler accidentally falling from the car in front of us and we panic and swerve. or the kids are fighting in the car and we are trying to stay our course and keep them from hitting each other at the same time.

    Women drivers lock themselves out of the car more frequently than men, but that is no reason to raise their inurance premium.
    One more interesting tidbit of information is that more women drivers are on the road at any given time/ Why? Women run more errands than men. Men drive to go to specific places such as work and back.
    Women are always running errands, driving kids to school and every activity they are involve in, go to the bank, drycleaners, dentist, doctors, groceries, church, malls, etc.

    May 28, 2013 at 1:11 pm

  7. Girls are known to drive less aggressive with less road rage…………… Most girls dont drag race, squall tires ect. Girls are ” more mature” at younger ages. , Less daring…..

    This might not be fair to charge women less but its also not fair that men get paid more an hour in alot of jobs.

    I personally think it should go by driving record, not age group, or sex.

    My driving record was way better then my ex’s………………..

    May 28, 2013 at 1:16 pm

  8. because the women are the reason for the accidents. People try to go aound them or to gawk at them.

    Bill P
    May 28, 2013 at 2:10 pm

  9. No, they don’t. But insurance companies pay out less in claims. It’s the MALE DRIVERS that have the high speed, spectacular headline car totalling crashes. And the women with the little dinged bumpers.

    It’s not JUST about the number of accidents, it’s about the SEVERITY. And the bottom line is, if you’re under 25, an insurance company pays out about 4X as much for the group “male drivers” as “female drivers”, regardless of the number of accidents.

    May 28, 2013 at 2:29 pm

  10. Not in my house. My wife has been in more accidents than I have.

    Scott H
    May 28, 2013 at 3:03 pm

  11. Argue all you want; however you’d be hard-pressed to find documented proof that men are superior to women as drivers. But make no mistake — gender certainly does impact driving habits and insurance industry observers believe that issue manifests in other ways, too. That’s why car insurance companies take into account a driver’s gender in determining policy pricing.

    The weight in pricing varies from company to company and by claims experience over time, but, for example, with all other factors being equal, a female between the ages of 18 and 25 would pay less than her male counterpart because as a rule younger women drivers have fewer accidents and moving violations than males in the same age group.

    Young males, between the ages of 16 to 25, typically pay more than females in their age group, because “many young men are more likely to show daredevil tendencies in their driving because of factors such as emotional immaturity and misplaced feelings of immortality.

    Many auto insurance industry experts would agree with the theory that males, especially young men, tend to drive more aggressively than women and display their aggression in a direct manner, rather than indirectly. Furthermore, as a rule of thumb, male drivers are more likely than women to break the law, and the male of the species tends to be more of a risk-taker.

    May 28, 2013 at 3:16 pm

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