Is it weird if a Single Guy wants to Adopt a Girl?

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Question by Gill: Is it weird if a Single Guy wants to Adopt a Girl?
So I live in England & I’m 19 years of age. I can just tell that I am going to be one of these guys who is going to be bachelor for a long time (Although anything is possible) – And I don’t think I would like to be living all alone when I get older.

I’m quiet intelligent and probably going to get a good job in a few years time. So would it be weird if say like when I am pushing my 30’s which will probably happen quicker than I know it & I want to adopt a young child preferably a young girl (Because I personally think lads are harder to raise and get into trouble more according to experiences I have seen) Is it possible without anyone automatically assuming i’m a creep?

If I did adopt a kid I would put all my love and attention directed to them and my main focus would be them doing well in life. Thanks in advance!
Hey Alex thanks for the useful information. Although my looks has do with being single for a long time. Even being awkward and being below average looking I have figured that if I ever did want to get married and settle down it would be someone else like me or possibly even worse in my opinion – Whom i’d rather not have off spring with.

That doesn’t sound pretty shallow but oh well.

I think when the time comes round I really would prefer adopting. I don’t care about having a ‘life partner’ and never really was one to beat myself up about that but I would like children which I can raise.

A boy would be fine as well but something about having a daughter warms my heart more. Also I think I am going to be one of these people who stay at home and work rather than being an office guy to be honest.

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4 Responses to Is it weird if a Single Guy wants to Adopt a Girl?

  1. No ,, is that weird not all men want boys

    May 25, 2013 at 5:31 pm

  2. Well, I think the concept of a single man adopting a child is on the different side… I know that people do it however think about how hard it will be to raise a child with no help on the side. Going to work and leaving your child at daycare is not the ideal situation you want to be in. I think there is someone out there for everyone, a few of my older friends are very akward and not so good looking… They all now have wives. If you can afford a nannie I think you could do it. As for the boy/girl thing, I really think that having a boy is a better choice because you are a man yourself. Girls will be find up until teenage years. Boys tend to be well rounded all the way until they move out. You say boys act up a bit more, but be sure to raise him in a very safe home, but don’t be with him every step of the way or get in his bee’s wax because kids raised with strict parent tend to act out more because they are curious. Good luck!

    May 25, 2013 at 5:43 pm

  3. Not really, I know a few single dads with little girls who are amazing parents. However it will likely be more difficult for you to adopt than a single woman or couple. I could be wrong though, I am quite ignorant of how adoption works in the UK. But 20 years is a long time, lots of things could change, both with you and adoption laws.

    May 25, 2013 at 5:56 pm

  4. No it isn’t and it says a lot about people who thinks it is. I’ve known a single dads over the years and they have been good dads.

    May 25, 2013 at 6:44 pm

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