My son is allergic to milk, egg whites, soybean, peanuts, cod fish, and wheat. What can he eat?

Filed under: Goats |

goat milk
Image by nicolas.boullosa

Question by Melissa: My son is allergic to milk, egg whites, soybean, peanuts, cod fish, and wheat. What can he eat?
My son will be 3 in July. I already knew he was allergic to milk. He was just tested and now I know he has other food allergies. He’s even allergic to cat & dog dander (not unusual) and cockroaches (unusual to me). What am I suppose to feed him? I can’t find goats milk, where am I suppose to look? Obviously a farm, but there are a lot of farms, where do I go and what am I suppose to feed him?

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8 Responses to My son is allergic to milk, egg whites, soybean, peanuts, cod fish, and wheat. What can he eat?

  1. Do you have any health food stores near you? Whole Foods? Trader Joes? Even if they are a long drive it is worth it once or twice a month to get food from places like that. Feed him lots of vegetables and meat (chicken,turkey,etc). Give him vegetables that aren’t so hard to digest (potatoes). Sheep milk and buffalo milk is also a decent alternative to real milk. If you can’t find either just replace his milk with juice or water (if he likes it ). It is actually easier to deal with allergies when a child is younger. When they are all grown up they are less likely to try new foods they would otherwise be opposed to.

    May 24, 2013 at 4:18 pm

  2. Regular supermarkets carry canned goats milk. If they have a specialty foods section, you might be able to find fresh goats milk there.
    Also, look for fresh goats milk in stores like “Sprouts” , “Wild Oats, or “Whole Foods”.

    May 24, 2013 at 5:16 pm

  3. Whole or Organic Food stores carry goats milk…replace it it with juices for now….
    He can have meats like beef,pork or chicken…fresh fruits or veggies
    …tofu, jams or jellies,breads without whole wheat ,etc…just keep up on labels that omit the things he’s allergic to and you’ll do fine and so will he.=)

    May 24, 2013 at 5:57 pm

  4. I’m allergic to cockroaches too. 🙂 It is weird.

    Goat milk isn’t always a good alternative…sorry to tell you, sometimes they

    I would take him to a dietician and see what they suggest. I would think just alot of fresh fruits and veggies. And chicken and beef and pork.

    If you need cake mixes and stuff this site is great!

    The ones I listed don’t have soy, although some products do..but read the allergy statement.

    This site has snacks and breakfast type things for allergy sufferers.

    It is free of the eight common allergins plus some other stuff 🙂

    May 24, 2013 at 6:38 pm

  5. Many organic food stores carry great food options.
    Whole foods, Trades Joes, Safeway, New Leaf, Nob Hill, and so many more.

    Here are some healthy food alternatives:
    Smoothies (fruit and ice)
    Soups (you can use rice noodles or rice in place of the noodles)
    Differently cooked vegetables (Like Balsamic and Garlic Green beans)
    Egg yolks (can be purchased at almost any store)
    Burritos (you can use spinach or squash tortillas)
    Potatoes (mashed, twice baked, country fried etc…)
    and there are so many more options so don’t panic!
    Good luck!

    May 24, 2013 at 6:55 pm

  6. you also need to stay away from dextrose. dextrose is a wheat sugar. you might also want to check out this web site. i am allergic to wheat and corn. dextrose is also in all brands of iodized salt. you must learn to read the labels on all foods you buy, every time you buy. there is so much stuff that i can’t eat. my list just goes on and on. it also seems to change every day. you might try rice milk. i can’t drink soy either. if you have any other questions you can email me at good luck and god bless.

    May 24, 2013 at 7:31 pm

  7. i would say go and speak to your doctor as well as going in to shops and looking at foods with no milk in them and other foods, he can eat fruit and veg that all good for you, your doctor may giave you a llist of foods

    take care

    I have a disablity
    May 24, 2013 at 7:55 pm

  8. i drink meyenberg brand goats milk. it tastes no different from cows and infact in my opinion its better. we get it at publix (thats the cheapest) but they have it at trader joes and whole foods. try to feed him goat cheese? its easy to find at almost any store. if he can have other fish then get him some salmon or halibut for protein or steak/chicken. he needs protein. how about mashed potatoes or a baked sweet potato without the butter or get a milk free butter. (just make sure it doesnt have eggs in it first) have you tried glutino brands? they are wheat and gluten free and they have basiclly normal foods tat are free of the allergens. and for the peanut butter use almond butter. its really good! hope this helps! God bless-livie

    May 24, 2013 at 8:30 pm

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