Christians, do you actually believe that God created Adam as an adult male?

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Question by Whitedove: Christians, do you actually believe that God created Adam as an adult male?
If not, how can you not realize that many stories in the Bible are myth trying to explain the unknown?

What do you think? Answer below!

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13 Responses to Christians, do you actually believe that God created Adam as an adult male?

  1. Yes.

    I don’t believ a magic rock appeared out of absolute nothing for absolutely no reason and exploded for absoluetly no reason producing a universe in which inanimate matter magicly began to live and change into other creatures. That is for sure.

    Buddy R
    May 24, 2013 at 8:18 am

  2. I believe he was created an adult male!

    May 24, 2013 at 8:57 am

  3. No. I am not a Biblical literalist. My church does not support Biblical literalism. The story of Adam is one component of a Creation myth, which is a common archetype within many different cultures.

    May 24, 2013 at 9:00 am

  4. According to the Bible, Adam was both male and female. It doesn’t say heshe was adult though.

    rac <°Ԓ**Ԓ><
    May 24, 2013 at 9:47 am

  5. I tend to think not. If Adam were created originally as a solitary being, there would be no need for him to have reproductive organs. Without a female to impregnate, being male has no use or meaning.

    If one were to take the bible literally (which is another post altogether), I think it is reasonable to assume that Adam was asexual (just as god would be) and that they became male and female when Eve was created.

    mo in the middle
    May 24, 2013 at 10:26 am

  6. yes i do the same way that he created aged wine from water instantly.

    May 24, 2013 at 10:38 am

  7. Yes.

    How can you not realize that evolution is a myth trying to explain the impossible?

    May 24, 2013 at 11:28 am

  8. Ah. The sow the seed of doubt gambit. Bravo.

    But, how can you not realize that the Bible isn’t mythology explaining the unknown?

    A 1000+ page book of “explaining mythology” (complete with predictions that have never failed) would be unparalleled in the history of the human race.

    Isaiah Now
    May 24, 2013 at 12:20 pm

  9. My religion believes in the harmony of science and religion. Not that God COULDN’T create a man as an adult but, scientifically, does it stand to reason that He would? My religion has taught me that Adam wasn’t literally the first man ever created on Earth. Rather, he was the first HOLY man on Earth to believe in God, follow and teach His Word.

    May 24, 2013 at 12:57 pm

  10. Christians, do you actually believe that God created Adam as an adult male?

    Yes I do.

    If not, how can you not realize that many stories in the Bible are myth trying to explain the unknown?

    Because it doesn’t seem like the most likely interpretation. It seems fairly literal to me at face value. No simile, no metaphor, no poetry – just a story told as if it were fact. Why does God need to be “secretive” about things? Why does creation have to be mysterious/unknown? Doesn’t that make God’s point of revealing himself to mankind useless?

    Apologetic Avenger
    May 24, 2013 at 1:55 pm

  11. What difference could anyone’s answer make to you?

    Thats what believers DO…we believe what God says. UNBELIEVERS such as yourself , don’t believe anything because they are still spiritually DEAD.

    1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

    YOU can be saved and come to God on His terms, as well as understand the things He has written in His Word at face value too!

    Simply BELIEVE that “God was IN Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, NOT counting their sins against them.”

    His death, burial and resurrection provided the means by which YOU can be reconciled to Him. Won’t you take God at His word and be saved today?

    P.S. Yes, Adam was an adult male. He wasn’t born as a baby as he had no mother. He also didn’t have a belly button since he wasn’t “born” in the conventional manner.

    If he was born as a baby, God would not have given him a mate or asked him to name all the things God created. How could he do that if he was a baby and couldn’t talk or walk?

    The Bible is NOT a myth. It is God telling us how He accomplished things that are beyond our comprehension. We aren’t told to try and figure them out, but to simply BELIEVE HIM.

    God is NOT unknowable. That is the lie perpetuated by the enemy of our souls. God has made Himself and how He works VERY knowable.

    Will you BELIEVE God so that YOU understand as well?

    May 24, 2013 at 2:55 pm

  12. Dear Whitedove –

    If you are truly interested in what God did and what the Bible says, I would challenge you to look at fulfilled Bible prophecy.

    Sincerely –

    May 24, 2013 at 3:34 pm

  13. Yeah I never understood the people who believed that. You see a lot of people here saying evolution isn’t true but how does disbelief in one theory confirm the other? It doesn’t.

    But let’s play along. Poof, adult male named Adam appears. Obviously he would have to be an adult from the start, he couldn’t raise himself otherwise. So then that must mean he has a lot of forehand knowledge from God, walk, talk, basic survival instincts etc. Okay, so if this guy was pre-programed then where does free will come into play for him? Was he given the option to be the father of humankind? Who knows. So let’s say that Eve pops up from Adam’s rib. Why does she pop up from Adam’s rib if God is all powerful? Why not just start from scratch? Is the rib a shortcut? Is God trying to save time? Is he on a schedule here?

    So whatever, Eve shows up, she’s an adult too, and again they figure out the birds and the bees on their own. But wait, don’t Adam and Eve exchange a few words? What language was it in? English? So if this whole family started and spoke one language why are we having hundreds of languages today? Because people felt like being different? Are all these languages just extreme cases of slang? Maybe. So the planet populates itself with two people, who’s offspring inexplicably change race and language while still populating the approximately 25,000 mile circumference Earth evenly.

    That’s believable?

    To the people who say yes, that’s believable, you’re hopeless and there’s zero point in trying to reason with you. For the people who realize that it doesn’t seem to make sense, but refute evolution, I would encourage them to question their understanding of evolution. More than likely there are many falsehoods in their concept of it.

    If your god didn’t just “poof” out of no where then why didn’t the universe itself? Isn’t it possible that what we see here today was always here in one form or another? Isn’t it possible that, even for theists, that your god programed things, life, to adapt? Why wouldn’t an all powerful creator make life adaptable and resilient?

    Consider it.

    Alex S
    May 24, 2013 at 4:26 pm

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